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Name: Maaureen Donohue
Subject: RR deserves hell for his sins
Date: Sunday, June 13, 2004
Time: 6:32:06 PM
Remote Address:
Message ID: 113855
Parent ID: 112260
Thread ID: 112216
I don't know where all you crazy Reagan lovers have been for the last twenty or so years. I thought I was losing my mind all last week. It seems to me I remember running around after the whole S & L horror looking for prospective jobs. "Are you better off today than you were?" Yeah, somewhere in my memory I remember that stupid question. And the answer was a resounding NO!!!!!!!
Chase was sweating bricks about job losses, and selling real estate as fast as it could to cover up losses on bad investments. I was prepped up and out pounding the pavement interviewing with 20 something little bippies with size eight Lord & Taylor suits and mouthfuls of sweet asinine advice as to how "Presentation is the most important tool." Somehow my Salvation Army outfits weren't making it. Luckily for me Chase kept me.
Wall Street didn't keep my neighbor, rabid, racist Mason who had probably voted Republican in his cradle. He had worked twenty years as an accountant on Wall Street and was in his early forties. His job was zapped. So, confident as ever, he humbled himself and tried presenting his large blue collar self to other shrinking firms.
Finally he got a job on Wall Street. And, loh and behold, he's there three months and collapses with BAD diabetes which they tell him will probably kill him, but not for another maybe 15 years. So he tries to take meds and hang onto the job. But he's out on his sick ass less than a year later. And guess what folks -- this is PRE COBRA!!! So he has no health insurance. So his wife who is also sick runs back to take a low paying clerical job (thank god she could type) and drags her not so healthy size 22 in not too Lord and Taylor suits to Wall Street.
In the twelve years it took my neighbor to die, in and out of hospitals it took about five years to get SSI. When it came it just about bailed him and his wife out of bankruptcy. So, when I remember the Reagan years I remember it as the years that made my neighbor, former rabid racist Republican into a much mellower Democrat. (He also became less racist -- nothing like getting thrown into a pool of poor sick people in clinics that serve persons of all ethnicities. I almost passed out when I heard him say, "In all the years I've been alive the Republicans have never done shit for me or anyone like me!!!"
And his wife who was also a bad diabetic and obese due to severe thyroid problems managed to pretty much kill herself for almost 15 years until she got disability at 58 and died last year at 61. I remember seeing her, swollen legs and all, packed into the crowd on the ferry, her face so contorted with pain I felt guilty about my own.
Reagan armed the Iranians, tried to destroy the unions(helped the destruction along to what it is today), destroyed the Securities and Exchange Commission leaving Wall Street in the mess it is in now; he started the processes by which Corporations pay only a tenth of the taxes they paid before his administration and the little guy pays the majority in Payroll Taxes. He couldn't have cared less about the AIDS crisis. His VP met with South American drug lords to close deals (this was on film). He terrified a nation into believing that at any moment the doomsday button would be pressed. He gave Frank Sinatra a casino in Las Vegas that had previously been denied because of Sinatra's organized crime connections.
And don't forget he began his illustrious career in public life by colluding with the McCarthy hearings, infiltrating meetings (he had joined the Communist Party at one time) and snitching on actors, writers, producers etc. who had also done so. In doing so he ruined the careers of many decent, talented theatre people.
As for speaking ill of the dead -- I guess when Hitler died I was supposed to speak well of him. Okay -- so Reagan wasn't Hitler but I'm trying to make a point. I deeply resent having to watch this staged grief movie inflicted on me at every turn while our boys and innocent civilians are being killed in a stupid war that is just a continuation of this man's life. So Shoot me!!!
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