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Name: Riffhard
Subject: RE: reagan was a terrible president!
Date: Monday, June 7, 2004
Time: 5:11:02 PM
Remote Address:
Message ID: 112610
Parent ID: 112242
Thread ID: 112216
You my friend have absolutly no sense of history to even suggest that Reagan was a terrible president. When he took office Carter had just about brought this nation to it's knees. Unemployment was at 10.8%. Inflation was through the roof at 20%! The DOW was topped out 500!! That's right only 500! It now sits at over 10,000! Take a look at the economics of the day and then tell me that he was a bad president!
As for the Cold War. Some may argue that Reagan just happened to be in office at the right time. Well,in a word BULLSHIT! He let the Soviets know that he would stare them down and then he proceeded to do just that. Even Gorbachov ackowledges this fact!
I would rather look up and admire a man who made the general population proud to be Americans as opposed to one who inserts cigars into the vagina of a twenty one year old intern. In a word. Ronald Wilson Reagan had something that Bill Clinton could never be accussed of having-class.
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