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Name: Grown Up All Wrong
Subject: RE: Catholics School horrers
Date: Monday, June 7, 2004
Time: 12:24:18 PM
Remote Address:
Message ID: 112524
Parent ID: 112520
Thread ID: 112216
Damn, a lay teacher did that. Sister Victor liked to hit us with her keys. she also turned the bible into a weapon once. Getting beat on the head with the word hurts lol. But on a serious note, I've found that people who go through the horrorrs of this have an unbreakable bond. You can be in a bar and find out that the guy sitting next to you went to the same catholic school 10 years before and it's like your best friends. The funny thing is though, I'm not bitter about the abuse. In situations when it comes up I find myself laughing about it. It happened, it was condoned and it's part of me. It also tought me that bitter thoughts are a waste of time. However, when my mother told me sister Victor died, I did say "you should say something good about the dead, and she's dead, that's good.
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