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Name: Riffhard
Subject: RE: RE: RE: reagan was a terrible president!
Date: Tuesday, June 8, 2004
Time: 6:54:01 AM
Remote Address:
Message ID: 112697
Parent ID: 112689
Thread ID: 112216

RE: RE: RE: reagan was a terrible president!

Your complete rewriting of history is as facsinating as it is false. I strongly suggest that you get your head out of Terry McAulliff's ass and study the REAL history of Reagan and,more importantly Carter. I'm old enough to remember the FACTS of the history of which I speak. I somehow feel that you are either too young to know the truth or too biased to ever admit it.

Histories are written by the victor of their times. Having said that many historians are already lauding the Reagan years as the most prolific years for the economy (just a fact) of the USA as well as the strength that the USA as earned on the global stage. Neither of these things can be traced to Carter,and certainly Clinton did absolutly nothing to earn the respect of the rest of the world the way Reagan did.

You,Sean,can believe whatever the hell you want. The facts don't come close to jibeing whith your incredibly biased view,and your rewriting of the facts just make you look silly. Carter was in FACT directly to blame for an economy that was in shambles because of his ineffective micromanagment style. Unemployment at 10.8%,a fedral tax of 70% on the dollar,an inflation rate at 20%,a DOW stalling between 500-800 (it sits at over 10,000 now thanks to Reagan's farsightedness),gasoline stations only selling gas on alternate days,the list goes on and on. If you falsely want to lay the blame on the Republican party have at it. No history will never be written to back up your absurd claim.

Study up young un'! I have awakened from my deep slumber of being a liberal. I realized that the old line from Churchill is true. "If your not a liberal in your youth you have no heart. If your not a conservative as you age you have no brain."

I'm well studied and certainly have a brain. I suggest that you look for yours. While your at it look for a little humility. I mean good god man. The man is dead and all you hard core libs can do is spit on his grave! He was the most beloved president of the last century. I don't say this because I want it to be true. I say it because it is true! He won 49 out of 50 states in 1984 which is six more states than he took in 1980! When he left office in '88 he had an approval rating of 68%! That is insane and speaks volumes about the reality of Reagan's legacy. It says much more than your inane partisian rehtoric ever could. I guess the truth is something that many libs would just love to ignore.


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