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Name: gomper
E-Mail: gomper
Subject: RE: does god exist?
Date: Friday, September 28, 2018
Time: 7:07:10 AM
Remote Address:
Message ID: 317849
Parent ID: 317846
Thread ID: 317846
What do you mean exactly by God? And what do you mean by 'the conventional sense'? Defining terms is crucial to these sorts of conversations.
I know that many people today have a hard time believing in God. Through scientific inquiry we have learned much about the physical world that we inhabit, and yet there are still many mysteries. And we see daily tragedies that lead us to not want to believe. Wars, famine, babies born with disease, injustice, and the list goes on forever. But through the arc of history justice seems to win out, people are shown to be fundamentally good, and we are reducing poverty and disease on a global level. Fewer people are dying in wars then ever before in human history.
But I urge anyone to too look closely, think critically, and have an open mind. If we just grab the low hanging fruit of how bad the world seems, and how prayers go unanswered, then we are not giving this question a fair shake.
Check out some of the ideas of Saint Thomas Aquinas and his 5 proofs (arguments) for the existence of God:
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