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Name: Keno
Subject: RE: More NSC
Date: Thursday, May 13, 2010
Time: 1:02:09 PM
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Message ID: 253895
Parent ID: 253868
Thread ID: 253600

RE: More NSC

"Again, why did we have to waste the lives of our teenage kids to do that?"

Ok, politics aside. Forget Johnson, Nixon, Dominoe Theory, etc.

Never forget!!!!!

You don't ever forget those pigs and what they did, nor you can't forget the bs domino theory. If you do forget, history will only repeat itself. We don't ever want (or need) another phony excuse to go to war again. Yes, fuckface Bush sent us to a unjust war in Iraq, but he is a perfect example of a pig who wants the people to forget the truth.

Do you seriously think that if people are being masacred, we should ignore it when they ask for our help?

Well that is EXACTLY what dictator Bush did in Africa, did you forget (they didn't have any oil there, so he didn't care and looked the other way)?

Now, if a massacre is taking place in a county half way around the word, we should get all of the other nations together and do something about it, yes. Should we draft our 18 year old kids to go there and die or get fucked up in the head for life? Fuck NO!

We should not allow the slaughter of civilian people, whether they are African, Vietnamese, Cambodian, Korean, or Jewish

Agree, but we should not send our own children there to die too. There are other ways to try to stop such slaughters.

I was saying most were suprised that someone my age actually takes an intrest, or wasn't satisfied with the 3 pages on the Vietnam War in the School History text book.

And I was just trying to say that you seem to think you are the only one who does.

And yea, my reasoning sucks, because I think the South Vietnamese should have been protected, you got me there.

That isn't what I said. Your reasoning sucks because you think it was okay to force unwilling teenage kids to go die there, and for the Ohio National Guard to kill collage kids. That is what sucks. Wanting to protect people doesn't suck, but you don't seem to care about our own kids in your reasoning.

Unless you were in Vietnam, your knowledge is also second-hand. You weren't there, you saw it on television, you read it in the paper, you talked about it in class, but you weren't there.

But my knowledge is first hand knowledge, since I lived it. I was scared shit that I would be sent there at 18. and I had plans set to flee the county. I didn't want to end up like the kid down the street who got his head blown off over there two weeks before he was suppose to come back home. I wonder just how you would had reacted if you were approaching 18 and were faced with the same shit? Maybe you would not had become a war hawk by just reading history books? Yes, you weren't around back then - first hand, but I was.

And as I said earlier, my Jr High School librarian at Kent State was A WAR PROTESTOR, not a hawk. She didn't fill my head with pro-war ideas.

From everything you tell me about her, she is full of shit. I would not believe a word she had to say. I bet she lied to you. Wanna bet she wasn't even at Kent State that day!? I don't know of any Viet Nam war protesters who changed their minds after the war ended, but I know many pro-war people who did.

she views herself as a historian and wanted me to have all the facts.

She was/is no historian, she is nothing but a damn liar! What she told you was the same crap the pro-war people said about Kent State when it took place. No true protester would had said and repeated those lies years later!

"Nobody figured those stupid Guardsman would fire on them!"

I hate to sound redundant....

Then why be? You have been redundant throughout this entire thread and it isn't getting your point of view anywhere.

So we have established that you feel that the Ohio National Guard had a right to kill those students because some of the students threw rocks. Fine, you are the only living person today who I know of, other than those murdering guardsmen, who believe that shit.

You think they had forgotten the chants of "the whole world's watching" when protestors were being flogged quite brutily and unnecessarily by policemen at the Chicago Democratic Convention?

No. But this is another indication of what you are missing by only reading one side of the story. Not all of the anti-war protesters from back then were peaceful. Have you never read up about the Yippies? They did not always go for the peaceful route. What do you think John Lennon (a friend to the Yippies, although not one himself) meant by the line from the song "Revolution" - "but when you talk about destruction, don't you know that you can count me out - in!".

The movie cinema has been guilty too. It still bewilders me that people think Apocalypse Now is a Vietnam War movie (which it isn't, the Vietnam War was only a setting for the novel Heart of Darkness) And if that's the only side we're projecting back then or now, it's a one-sided perspective, and that isn't history.

I don't watch war movies and never seen that movie. I refuse to watch any war movie for the most part. I think the movie "Coming Home", which was about a vet and not the war itself, was the only real one I saw. But all war movies are full of lies; some jerks just go to see them for the violence, forgetting (or just not caring) that the violence was the one thing that really did happened.

When you only tell one side of the story (hawk side only, or dove side only), no one learns the whole truth.

Agree, one always needs to know both sides. So now you need to do the same kind of research about the peace movement of the '60s and early '70s, instead of believing the lies that asshole, pro-war hawk librarian told you and placed into your then young mind.

Ben, I've known you here online at Gasland since you were in high school. (I miss that you don't post here about the Stones anymore). I always liked you, but I wish I knew back then, that somebody was poisoning your mind. Now you are in your mid 20s and your mind is a certain way because of that - and it appears it is closed to the truth now. I do hope you will open it back up a bit, since deep down I know you are a good person. I can't help to think about my oldest grandson who just finished basic training in the army. Boy, did his mother and myself fail him when he was 14! He wanted to go live with his dad for awhile and I was the one to talk his mother into allowing the move. I figured it would be a good thing for him. I figured if a male teenager wants to get to know his dad, he should. I guess I let the fact that my own son didn't know me as a teen, well that got in my way and was part of my reasoning that she should allow him to go there. But I was wrong in the end in telling his mother that, I never should had - and she never should had given in to it. So his stupid father after 4 years totally fucks up his mind and tells him to join the army the day he turns 18. So I now totally regret how that ended up and how I handled it. You never do stop learning in life, no matter how old you are. So I hope you will now learn the truth about that unjust Viet Nam war.

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