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Subject: RE: RE: RE: But they did all died in vain!
Date: Thursday, May 6, 2010
Time: 9:32:28 PM
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Message ID: 253697
Parent ID: 253681
Thread ID: 253600
>they died for NOTHING, other than to make those war hawk pigs like LBJ and Nixon happy.
You think LBJ was happy? Seriously? Was he so happy with how the war was being managed that he decided to run a 2nd term? He was so happy he had is own little war but decided to let someone else take control? You think he was grinning when he heard the chants of protestors outside the White House saying "Hey, Hey, LBJ, How many babies did you kill today?" Or how he ordered the cessation of the bombing of North Vietnam, in the hope that it would be a peace offering, and a method to bring NVN to the peace talks? He did that because he loved the war?
LBJ's biggest mistake was having Robert McNamara as Secretary of Defense. McNamara was an automobile man, all he knew was numbers, numbers, numbers. So body counts made sense to him. He viewed a war of attrition as a sound method against the Vietnamese. He was wrong.
Then the rules were set about "free-fire" zones. And the decision to allow VC/NVA to have safe harbor in Cambodia and Laos. Then the decision was made for our armed forces to provide a "security defense" role. You can't win a war waiting on a firebase, or patrolling near it, and wait to get hit. You take the fight to the enemy. Unfortunately, the same mentallity still exists in the mind of the brass.
As for Nixon liking the war, do you remeber what one of his promises to the American people was while he was campaigning? I'll give you a hint, it was similar to what Obama promised when he was running. Nixon promised to end the war in Vietnam. Now don't get me wrong, Nixon was a cold-hearted son-of-a-bitch. Colder than eskimo pussy.
However, Nixon did some smart things. Invade Cambodia. Re-start the bombing of North Vietnam. However, the Cambodian invasion was only a short victory. Not only did we not occuppy the territory for long (this time it wasn't a military idea of abandoning a recently won ground, it was political pressure from the Kent State shootings), we even announced our withdrawl date (sound familiar?) to the press.
NVN backed away from the Peace talks durring December of 1972, Nixon wanting to end the war brought the Vietnamese to their knees when he gave them 11 days of Christmas in the form of B-52 Arc Light missions over Hanoi. It's funny, we fire bomb Tokyo, then drop Atomic Bombs over Hiroshima and Nagasaki, non military targets, completely civilian, and bring the Japanese to their knees to surrender. Nobody bitches. War's over, send our troops back and fuck like wild rabbits. We use conventional bombs over Hanoi that destroys major military arteries and hundreds of thousands less civilians, and all that was reported was the civilian deaths and how Nixon is a murder. Does that sound like a double standard?
As far as the war being justified, yes, it was fought for honorable reasons. The South Vietnamese needed protection, more than they could give. Russian advisors flew MIG aircraft durring the war to fight SVN and US forces. Chinese advisors fought alongside VC and NVA forces. An estimated 10,000 Chinese soldiers were killed in Vietnam. You ever hear about that on the news? Nope. South Vietnamese civilians were being slaughtered, despite their limited defense. They needed help. We brought help, but it was very mis-managed by politicians.
As far as 18 year olds being drafted and killed in Vietnam, what do you think happened in WWII? 18 year olds were drafted in WWII. Would you say that their sacrifice was in vein? I doubt it. You probably honor their sacrifice. WWII was "the good war." And why, because we won. Because we went all-out to accomplish a single goal, take 'em out. Find the enemy where he is and fight, fight, fight. Why don't you view the sacrifices of the Vietnam war's 18 year olds deaths? Because we lost. Since we lost, their loss was for nothing. We didn't win, so the sacrifice our soldiers payed to ensure the protection of the Vietnamese people was all in vain. If we won, would you think the same? Probably not.
Someone posted earlier, why do we have to be the "world police?" You know, that reminds me of something called isolationism, it doesn't involve us so why should we care? Do you know when the last time that policy was in order? I'll give you a hint: Poland had been invaded, England was in the fight of it's life, and a guy named Hitler ruled Germany. By the way, Hitler killed over 6 million Jews. How many lives could have been saved if we stepped up early on when we recieved reports about the concentration camps?
The same applies to Vietnam. How many innocent civilians had to die before the US stepped in. Why allow it to happen? Edmund Burke once wrote "The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing." Our nation is the melting pot of the entire world. Every person of any country is represented in ours. So our country has been very tollerant to a lot of ideas. I believe we live in a morale country. It's because of our morales that we are strong. Should we let some people massacre another and not do anything about it because it doesn't involve us? No. Where help is needed and asked for, we, as a morale people, should step up to the plate.
Where were we when Pol Pot's Khmer Rouge was exterminating every educated person, anyone connected with the US Gov't or Lon Nol, someone that once drove a taxi to someone with a connection with to the forementioned people? We teach our children in history class about the horrors of the Halocaust of WWII in the hopes it never happens again. So why didn't we step up to the plate in Cambodia? Why is it I never learned about the Killing Fields in a school book, but learned about it because it was in a movie I watched years ago? Because of our own citizens uneducated views about what happened in Vietnam. And it wasn't entirely their fault, they relied on a media that didn't show the whole picture.
If we hadn't intervened, Vietnam could have been just as ugly as Cambodia. So yes, I view the American Vietnam War as justified. And God bless every American that fought it.
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