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Name: Keno
Subject: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: But they did all died in vain!
Date: Monday, May 10, 2010
Time: 12:54:37 AM
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Message ID: 253772
Parent ID: 253730
Thread ID: 253600
I stand corrected on the 4 year draft thing. It was made 2 years of forced service in the '50s and they talked about adding two more years to it in the '60s, but never did. Yet Nixon while running for office claimed he would totally end the draft, when he actually wanted it extended once he took office.
And you think 18 was young? How about 14, or 13? Because the National Liberation Front (VC) and the Peoples Army of Vietnam (NVA) recruited them that young.
So, you think that was okay? Nobody at any age should be forced to fight in a war, period. Only totally sick fools would let children go to war, and sadly, it still happens today, like over in Africa.
you piss on the graves of our men who fought righteously and with honor to defend a people who were unable to do it themselves by saying the war was a waste, and they died for nothing.
How is my claiming that those poor kids who were killed fighting an unjust war and had their lives wasted - just how is that pissing on their graves??! Please explain yourself instead of accusing me of a dirty lie! You did the pissing on the Kent State students graves, but don't try to turn that around on me since you can't explain yourself.
Communist nations have been responsible for the deaths of nearly 100 million of their own people. We were trying to prevent that in Vietnam.
Again, why did we have to waste the lives of our teenage kids to do that? We were there because of the lie that the Communist would be in Hawaii next, after they won Viet Nam. That was why we were there. You think LBJ and Nixon really gave a rat's ass about the millions of Communist who were killed? Hell, they killed them too, along with our own people.
Hey, communism does look good on paper, I won't argue that. No poor, no excessive rich, however it doesn't work out.
Well, that's because of how it was run by those pigs. I'm not sure if it could ever work out or not, but it didn't have a change because of the different dictators who ran it.
As far as what my pro-war talk has to do with the demonstrations at Kent State, they were protesting the invasion into Cambodia. Anyone with any strategic intellect can grasp that the invasion was necessary to disrupt the NVA safe-haven sanctuary. It was the United States on the Offensive for a change.
Oh yes, what a great reason to kill collage students heading to class on their campus!
As far as the dead at Kent State, it shouldn't have happened. But let me ask you this, do you think it's smart to throw rocks and bottles at people with guns? No, it's stupid. It's stupid to throw rocks and bottles at anyone, but someone who is armed?
Nobody figured those stupid Guardsman would fire on them! That kind of thing might happen in a Communist country, yes, but not in the USA! Nobody in their right mind guessed that! They fired on unarmed students because some of them had rocks in their hands, yeah Ben, defend that by calling the students stupid! Keep pissing on their graves too, Ben, call them stupid if it makes you feel good. But the fact was, none of the students who were killed had any rocks in their hands. How can you defend that? Talk about stupid!
I still don't see how you can't honor our fallen soldiers from Vietnam with the same way you would for a soldier who died in WWII.
I said that the kids who were killed in the Viet Nam war were killed in vain - and they were, their lives were totally wasted. I stand by that. But I didn't say that they can't be honored, but the best way to honor their short lives is to make sure that we don't repeat those mistakes again and have more kids killed in more wars that we forced them into fighting. At least on that point we learned a lesson, but again, that don't bring back any of those lost kids, either, nor does honoring them.
I can't tell you how many American veterans I've talked to either. I've heard stories that would break your heart. Stories about their best buddies dying in their arms, stories about being spit in the face as soon as they returned home.
Ben do you think you were the only one to hear these stories? You think I didn't hear them or personally know anybody who got killed in that damn war? I know a few guys who to this day are still totally fucked up because of that war. All the more reason to understand why we had no business going there and what a total waste it was, and to this day - still is, for some vets.
I've talked to a lot of homeless vets too, and they said their biggest problem wasn't adjusting to being back home, it was being outcasted by former friends and strangers at home. Even men who were stationed in cush rear jobs were called baby-killers and rapists. They never recieved the welcome home previous warriors recieved.
You weren't around Ben, so you didn't understand what was going down back then. Many kids felt those who answered the call to join in with the draft and served, made it worst for all the others who were next in line. They felt those guys that went just kept the war machine going, and in a way they were right on that point. Where they were wrong was to mistreat them when they returned home. But damn it, that wasn't the case all of he time and only a few did that - so please don't point your finger at all of us who protested that war. I know for a fact I never did that and I don't personally know anybody who did.
...Most are suprised my knowledge of the war.
You want a pat on the back? I hate to tell you, but your knowledge isn't first hand, and you are lacking on some counts. You know some stories, yes, but what have you learned? Your reasoning sucks, and to me, that tells me you didn't learn correctly the lessons that most others learned as the years went by.
Every Viet Vet I've ever met has been proud of their service, and believes their sacrifices were not in vain.
Well we have met different vets then, since that isn't the case with several of them who I know.
I see patches like "When I left, We Were Still Winning" and "Jane Fonda-American Traitor Bitch." I even know of one vet who spends $5 per roll of toilet paper so he can wipe his ass with nothing but the purest Jane Fonda toilet paper available (by the way, don't get me started on her,
Sounds like he is full of hate and will never forgive her. Sounds like he is still fighting the war. Now explain to me how that is a good thing? If we had never gone to Viet Nam, that guy and so many other of those Vets would not have ever had to gone through any of that. Now they just hate people because of that unjust war. Yeah, it was clearly a good thing for them.
Don't you even realize the more you write about this how it just proves my point more so?
Keno, where do you get your views from?
Where do you think? I didn't have to read history books like you had to, or listen to a pro war hawk at my Jr high school like you did. I was alive back then and saw the shit that was going on firsthand.
The 60's where it was cool to be against the war?
Cool? There is nothing good about war and no, it wasn't "cool" to be against Viet Nam. If you didn't protest it and be against it and you were in your teens, then it was just a matter of time until your name got called up by the draft and you would be over there kissing your own ass goodbye. That was why we were against it, we knew we had no business being there and we knew we had to protest it or support it and go there one day and maybe die before we saw our 20th birthday. Only young fools and old men supported it.
Have you done much research about the war? Religon? Isolationism? I'm not trying to be smart or sarcastic, I'm just trying to figure out your logic.
What do you think? Again, I didn't have to research it, I was alive then, just like I don't have to do any research to understand what is going on in the Middle East wars today. If it is a current thing, and you keep up with it, then research isn't needed. The current events show you want is happening, if you keep abreast of that stuff, and I sure as shit do.
As far as religion goes, yes, I have studied all of the major religions and feel everybody should also. Its the best way to learn about who the true devils are out there.
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