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Name: Turner
Subject: RE: RE: The 10 best films of the 90's (nsc)
Date: Friday, June 22, 2007
Time: 10:25:18 PM
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Message ID: 216040
Parent ID: 216039
Thread ID: 216033

RE: RE: The 10 best films of the 90's (nsc)

Well here's my attempt to reproduce what I wrote.

5. Reservoir Dogs by Quentin Tarantino - I chose this over the greater Pulp Fiction for 2 reasons: It came first and arguably kicked off the defining style of the whole decade, and I hate the second story of Pulp Fiction. Every time that bitch says blueberry pancakes I want to shoot myself. RD was a breath of fresh air and legitimately shocking. I will never forget when Mr. Pink said, "You guys are acting like a couple of fucking ni$$ers!" I sat up straight and literally couldn't believe what I'd heard. Putting aside the (slightly ridiculous) argument of whether or not Tarantino has the right to use such language, what blew me away was his casual assumption that he could. The other impressive thing about RD is that it makes NO FUCKING SENSE WHATSOEVER, yet there is never a moment that you doubt the action. In this it reminds me of The Godfather Part II. No higher praise is needed. Tarantino remains the most important filmmaker of the decade.

4. Dazed And Confused by Richard Linklater - The greatest and only second great (after Fast Times) movie ever made, and if you can't understand why, or if you can't understand why that is an impossibly difficult achievement, then you're a fucking philistine and I can't belive your mongoloid fingers were able to type their way to a Rolling Stones message board. (Man this seemed funnier the first time, but the list I still stand by.) Linklater's Before Sunrise gets honorable mention, and taken with its sequel represents one of the great achievements in film history.

The top 3 deserve an extra space.

3. Boogie Nights by P.T. Anderson - A film so bursting at the seams with filmmaking talent it makes me want to cry every time I see it. P.T. is a Kubrick of sorts for a new generation and every year he doesn't release a film causes me pain. In my 2001-10 list Punch Drunk Love will only be kept from the number one spot by the unspeakably brilliant City Of God. PT is the greatest living American filmmaker, even though Magnolia sucked and Sydney bored me. But hey, 2 out of 4 ain't bad. If you haven't seen Boogie Nights make plans to do so within the next 24 hours.

2. Unforgiven by Clint Eastwood - Perfect from the first moment to the last. Anyone who says this is number one will get no argument from me. For you kids this is when Clint made real masterpieces instead of fake ones like Mystic River and Million Dollar Baby. When Clint walks into the bar at the end your jaw should hit the floor.

1. Trainspotting - "For a vegetarian Rents you're a fookin' evil shot!"

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