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Name: Liveflowers
Subject: RE: Vancouver Review!
Date: Monday, November 27, 2006
Time: 12:29:19 AM
Remote Address:
Message ID: 204021
Parent ID: 204005
Thread ID: 204005

RE: Vancouver Review!

Wow Curry You Have a hell of alot more control Than Me.

Maby I need to go to anger manegement or something. Because i think as soon as he put his hand on my forehead two things would have happend he would have went to the hospital and i would have went to jail!!! In that order!!! I'm not a bad ass redneck mind ya. But know one I mean know one has ever or will ever Put there hands on me And get away with it. I have only had the pleasure to see the boy's five times on three tours. But i have been too over two or three hundred shows. And that has only happend to me once. It was a usher at a Clapton show. I was on the floor about half way back. Everyone on the floor was standing on there chairs. He Picked me out of the crowd and told me to sit down. And i told him if he wanted me to sit down. He was gonna' Have to start up in the front and work his way back. It never happend and everyone stood on there chairs for the whole show. There was no way i was going to sit down untill everybody else in front of me did. I think when you pay good money for a show. You should be able to stand or sit or sing or jump up and down and burp Or what ever. I have never seen nowere on a concert ticket that reads you must sit down. Anyway I'm glad you kept your cool. Ronnie would be proud of ya. By the way nice review.

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