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Name: Currie
Subject: Vancouver Review!
Date: Sunday, November 26, 2006
Time: 9:33:22 PM
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Message ID: 204005
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Thread ID: 204005

Vancouver Review!

Allright, so a few generalities before I go into a song by song breakdown.

I had a fucking fantastic time last night. A great show, and I was given a couple real surprises, which you can probably see from the setlist.

I was going with my best friend, who's not really a Stones fan, but I told him he was in for a damn good show, and so he was along. Funnily enough, his mother was going with mine in a different section, so we all went for dinner and drinks before hand, then after that just me and him went for a couple more martinis at a bar. We didn't bother going to see Bonnie Raitt, because the line-ups were so obscene at that point there was little point in going in.

Sound was muddy, particularily during IORR and She Was Hot. JJF is so powerful, so distinctive it tends to just rip through sound difficulties.

I almost didn't see the concert. I was, as any good Stonesfan would, standing during JJF, when I received a tap on my shoulder and a very rude sit down motion from some guy behind me, figure 45-50 years old. I gave him a "stand-up" motion, and turned around and ignored him. He tapped me again 30 seconds later, and he started yelling at me, at which point I told him just to bloody well stand up. He then gave me an open palm to the forehead (he was quite likely drunk.) The second he did it, mind you, he could see he'd made a mistake, because I think he tried to hold up (it was more of a glancing blow), and the second he did it he took a couple of paces back from me because I was quite ready to hit him. His son (20-25 ish) stepped in and immediately apologised, and seemed quite polite and asked me to sit down, politely, explaining that there were also two girls (his sisters, roughly 20-25 behind me too.) He was friendly enough until I told him to tell his father if he touched me again he was a fucking dead man, at which point our relationship soured slightly. But what could I do? They could ask security to get me to sit down, and any physical altercation would have had me thrown out immediately, and I'd already almost lost my temper once.. So I bit the bullet and sat down, but told my friend that as soon as the Stones hit the B-Stage, we'd stand right up and not sit down after that, because security probably wouldn't give a shit after that point.

Anyway, on with the show.

JJF- Always a damned nice opener. Was slightly distracted at this point.

IORR- Sound was very muddy.Some nice weaving here, with Ronnie playing some leads at times too. Heard SSC in Montreal, and so it was nice to hear this one here.

ONNYA- Very well done. This was the Chuck Berry section, and the rhythm really cooked. Sound still pretty muddy.

SWH- Also very nicely done. Loved this one. Keith's solos came in a little late, but were great.

Shine A Light- Big surprise here. Bonnie Raitt really impressed me. Ronnie botched the first solo pretty good mind you, but still a great number. He was playing a new custom guitar on it, shaped similar to a Tele. It was a bit rough, but still very cool to hear.

SOL- You know, this one does sound very good live. Works much better than on record, with Keith on acoustic and Ronnie handling the soloing, with some very nice lead work at the end. Mick did drag on the ending a bit long though, but really worked hard at this one, trying to sell it.

Midnight Rambler- well, it was incredible, but I probably don't need to even tell you that. Mick started singing "She broke my heart" during the "don't do that" section.

Tumbling Dice- Yep, another great one. Keith running out to the wings of the stage and playing his solo during the break there, for the fans.

Introductions- INCREDIBLE ovation for Keith. Just kept going and going. He tried to quiet the crowd down at times, saying "I've got a gig here!," but it was damn loud. He made a joke about not remembering which number he was doing, on account of the brain damage.

You Got The Silver- Ahhhh, this song. If there was a song they were doing just for me that night, this would be it. Absolutely beautiful. Theoretically it would be nice to hear Keith play guitar on this one, but really Ronnie is so sublime on this one that there's no real need. Keith had all the lyrics and all the cues down. Just fantastic.

Slipping Away!- Surprise No.2. I fucking love this song live, and wanted to hear it, though I didn't have much hope. Again, beautiful. keith playing a custom Tele rather than his ES-355 But two ballads in a row from Keith? Normally it's one softie, one rocker.

Connection!- yeah, surprise no.3. 3 keith songs? As far as I know, that's never been done before. Still, I thought this was the weakest number of the evening. i don't know why, but I felt it lacked something. Oh well, what the hell. It was a "freebie"

miss You- Man, this one gets trashed, but I thought it was done really well tonight. Probably actually gladder to hear this than Under My Thumb, after listening to some bootlegs.

GOOMC- Good, but Mick's vocal delivery sounded a little rushed. He hadn't shown any signs of throat problems, but I was worried a little bit at this point. Still, the chorus was great, with the "Hey, You!" part sung by the crown.

SMU- Place went nuts, also great to hear. I should of course mention I was standing by this point, and so were the daughters behind me. (They were total bitches, btw. But more on that later). Ronnie twice interrupted his solo to kick a beach ball that the crown threw on stage. Crowd loved it.

Honky Tonk Women- I don't think this number is ever bad. Keith's tone on this and SMU is awesome.

SFTD- Ok, so by this time the girls behind me are sitting down again, and bitching at me to do the same. But I'm not. Fuck, they're not old or infirm, and they were just standing up a minute ago! So fuck them. If their brother or father wanted to try something, they could go ahead. They did not. So the most amusing part of the night was listening to these girls. I was ignoring them, and due to the high volume, couldn't really hear them except for snippets. But let's just say they were hurling abuse at me for a good ten minutes (throughout ALL of SFTD and PIB) It was damned funny. I'd only hear snippets like "Ohmygodsitthefuckdownyoufuckingfaggotbitchfuckyouyoufuckingcuntfuckyou!" and then the volume would drown them out. STFD, was damned good, with some very cool guitars at the end. Keith's solo in the middle was a little spotty, but this tour it's been all about the end of song guitar jam.

PIB- Oh yeah. missed this one in Montreal. First verse was a little iffy because I couldn't hear Ronnie's "sitar" but it really picked up towards the end.

Brown Sugar- Solid again, but a little drawn out at the end. Still good though, but cut a couple of minutes off this one and it's better.

YCAGWYW (encore)- Surprise no.4. Thought they'd go straight to satisfaction Loved it, beautiful. Ronnie's solo sounded wonderful.

Satisfaction. Best song of the night? The end of it was unbelievable, mick sprinting up and down the B-Stage path (being followed by sprinting security guards) and Ronnie and Keith playing duelling leads. Outstanding, powerful. Great way to end the concert. Gave a smile and wave to my "friends" as they were leaving. They seemed less than charmed.

All in all? Great time, great performance, pretty good (very young) crowd. Loved it all. Heard many songs i hadn't before (8) and there wasn't really a badly performed number. Would do it again a million times, and as i say, easily worth double the ticket price. And all it took was one death threat!

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