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Name: Filthy McNasty
Subject: Some Thoughts on the Vet
Date: Thursday, September 19, 2002
Time: 8:54:11 AM
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Message ID: 38158
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Thread ID: 38158

Some Thoughts on the Vet

Some thoughts . . . .

1. Ken Kep is a prince of a man.

2. Tickets were horribly oversold for the front half of the floor. The seats represented on the tickets I purchased didn’t even exist! No fault of the guy I bought them from. He sold his to me because he had the opportunity to “upgrade”, and the new tickets he bought were double sold! Horrible events apparently ensued. I ended up 24 (!) rows back from where I should have been, but at least I was in the middle. This is no way to run a high gloss entertainment corporation. That said, I suppose I should add the obligatory “I doubt it was the Stones’ (per se) fault”.

3. One of the souveniers are these flashing Rolling Stones tongue necklaces with little red lights in them. When the stadium lights go out and all these little lights are going off over the stadium, Crowd as special effect!

4. There could not have been a better night to attend an outdoor show. The temp was perfect and there was an awesomely bright 3/4 moon and only the barest whisps of clouds to the back of the stadium.

5. Start Me Up is a really really great stadium song. People who bitch about the Rolling Stones playing Start Me Up in a stadium are crazy. If I go to a stadium to see any band ever again they better play Start Me Up.

6. Don’t Stop is pretty damn good. It had an extended coda with extra Mick vamp vocals and a real Tumbling Dice rising kind of crescendo.

7. Wild Horses was surprisingly enjoyable and touching, with great Keith guitar. One of the two or three best performances of the evening.

8. Stadium shows are an acoustical nightmare.

9. Here’s a surpise: Midnight Rambler was the best song of the night! Imagine! REALLY long, really evil, nice extended change from the slow part to the final chorus - Mick harmonica in all the right places except for the slow section. Midnight Rambler, as usual, had all the answers. It made me do the hoodoo monkey dork dance.

10. Ronnie is a bad ass. He did this really funny hop in the middle of his solo on Let It Bleed that got him halfway across the b-stage. Ronnie sober is a joy to behold - he looks like he just woke up from a Rip Van Winkle nap and realized, “Hey, this is not so bad, I’m in the Rolling Stones!” Hearing Ronnie was a problem, but that’s not his fault. For my money, next to Mick he was the most vibrant of the bunch. Go Ronnie! You rock!

11. Love Train is just so damn cool. Brotherly love indeed!

12. I can think of no musical reason on Earth why Blondie HarryChapin (ha! cradle cat) should be playing guitar on stage with the Rolling Stones and I would like somebody to explain it to me.

13. Slipping Away is great. For Keith to take off his guitar and just stand there and sing is an utterly Keithian thing to do - It is arrogant and defiant and his entire personality comes through while he sings, which is almost impossible to achieve at a show this big.

14. I don’t see how they can play on the b-stage. The sound gets pumped out from the main stage and there is a delay between watching Charlie hit the drum and hearing the sound. Except, where we were standing, you could actually hear Charlie hitting the drums acoustically, so the beat was crazy double off-kilter. And the sound would bounce off the back of the stadium, so it was like standing in a giant echo chamber. I cannot imagine being a musician playing under these circumstances. It gives me all the more respect for Charlie - he is a leaving breathing maestro maetronomae.

15. I got the feeling they really love to play Like a Rolling Stone. The crowd loved it, too. Although crowds at Rolling Stones concerts apparently don’t know the words to Like a Rolling Stone too good - singing along, they’d always drop “Like a rolling stone” in a line too early, when it was supposed to be “Like a complete unknown”. Ronnie lip synched along with a lot of the lines. I really like Mick’s harp solo on that song.

16. Charlie was wearing blue sox tonight and has a huge bald spot.

17. Keith throws out more guitar picks than Rick “Trick” Nielson.

18. When Mick Jagger is 10-20 feet away from you dancing and singing it is almost impossible not to clap your hands and yell.

19. Keith and Ronnie really dug into the end of Gimme Shelter and I think they played longer than Mick expected them to. He kept looking over at them and then making up more funny dance moves. I could be wrong - was the end of Gimme Shelter really long tonight or was I just high?

20. The topless dancer riding the pierced lapping tongue is funny. It harkens back thematically and conceptually with the “I’m black and blue from the Rolling Stones and I love it!” campaign, which we should all be reminded of from time to time for its message of peace and goodwill towards men (and chicks).

21. When the little red circular streamers blow out of the cannons during Jumping Jack Flash at first it looks a little bit like Rolling Stones tongues and then it looks like rose petals. Eventually the “petals” cover the stage. It's probably my favorite special effect ever at a big gig, because it was so simple but beautiful. But it must have been really bad for the environment.

22. Satisfaction is still the best song ever written.

23. I liked the Philly crowd. Everyone seemed to be having a good time, when people tried to steal my seats they were really nice about it, and no one on the floor sat down the whole night.

24. Despite our hassles with the seating, the lousy acoustics, and Blondie Chaplin playing guitar on stage, watching the Rolling Stones plow through 15 or so of the best rock and roll songs ever written, some other pretty damn good ones, and a Philly soul classic, is a completely solid megaprofessional entertainment experience. Natch I’d rather watch them in a smaller place with more realistic sound, and I will be pretty disappointed (and utterly stunned!) if I don’t like the Tower show a whole lot more. But this was definitely as authoritative an entertainment spectacle as can be delivered by a rock and roll band playing in front of (say) 40,000 people and I say good job.

25. Having met several Stones fans face to face here at the Glimmerfest today, I am once again affirmed in my belief that Rolling Stones people are among the finest examples of humanity a poor boy could hope to come across and I’m happy to be vaguely associated with each and every one of you. I am in Philadelpha and I am filled with the spirit of brotherly love!

Somebody give me a quarter.

Do the Ronnie hop!

some thoughts format ©opied®ight from Maxlugar (imperial poster extraordinaire and acronymn management technician non pariel), used with assumed permission.

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