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Name: Keno
Subject: Requested Repost of Poll Post Wrap-up
Date: Wednesday, September 18, 2024
Time: 12:05:51 PM
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Requested Repost of Poll Post Wrap-up

I've had a few emails from former voters asking what happened to the old Poll Menu Page and asking me how can they get to the old Polls to check out the archives. Sadly, I had to take the menu page offline because of a spammer who kept changing his IP number to get around the cookies used to stop multiple voting. So this person, who clearly has no life outside of the internet (sad, indeed), just kept voting over and over again in the Ongoing Polls - which are officially closed. The old menu page was the only place on the domain where you could still vote in those polls - if you have your cookies turned off or use different IPs, so the page had to be taken down. Of course, all of the Poll Lists Pages are still up, and you can see the top results there. Plus, what I'll do, is repost the 2 posts I made for the Poll Post Wrap-up (Parts 1 and 2), down below, as it tells you some stuff that the Lists pages don’t, and since they are hard to find in the board archives (without knowing the dates), having them both up on this page should be a bit easier to find.... So I hope this helps... Ok, I also hope all of you are doing well, and now I'll just go back to my retirement, cheers to all of you!!... Keno

First poll Wrap-up posted on Monday, May 06, 2024

So, in this first Poll Wrap-up, I’m gonna go over the Weekly Polls that we voted in for the last 2 decades plus. The second Poll Wrap-up will be for the Ongoing Polls, to be posted later.

At the Stones Poll, among other things, we rated 183 songs in 179 weeks of polling; while at the Beatles Poll, we rated 111 songs in the same number of weeks. Then over at the Rock Poll, which ended back at the close of the week of February 27, 2023 (other than one special poll was run for the week of November 13, 2023), well, we didn’t rate songs there, I just usually asked multi week poll questions, and that poll was the most popular of the 3 main weekly polls.

The Stones Poll ended with 1,288 total weeks of polling, or 24 years, 8 months and 16 days. Hey, that’s a damn long time! Just think back that far in your life to where you were that long ago, back in 1999; to what you were doing, and think of just how much younger you were then. Holy shit, right? Bill Clinton was the U.S. president, and 9-11 hadn’t happened yet.

The Beatles Poll ended with 677 weeks of voting, while the Rock Poll saw a total of 876 weeks of voting.

I also ran other weekly polls on the domain, like the VS Poll, the Video Ratings Polls and the Stones VS Album Polls.

Let me start with the Stones Album matchups (Note: I never got around to include Hackney Diamonds in these polls) …. I loved these polls; they were exciting to watch unfold! They saw 298 rounds; with Stick Fingers ending up on top of the standings with a perfect score of 24-0-0. To see the standings for this mini-poll series and all the finial results from each poll, please go here:

Now for the Video Polls. These polls were a lot of fun to run, too! One set each ran on the Stones Poll, the Beatles Poll and also on the Rock Polls. Each poll had their own separate standings and list pages.

For the Stones Video Polls, 75 of these polls were run, with “Bluesberry Jam”, a 1972 TV video, taking first place by a giant margin with 78.9% of the vote, with second place finisher “I Wanna Be Your Man”, a Top of the Pops TV video, seeing 47.7%, If you would like to see the standings for this one – along with the videos links included so you can watch them, go here: “Bluesberry Jam” is worth the visit!

One last note while I’m showing that page link, just below the video standings, are the results of yet another Stones Mini Poll series, something I never asked at the Beatles or Rock Polls, which was very interesting, too, and it was called The Top Ratings for the Stones Album Covers Polls. Sticky Fingers and its Andy Warhol cover designed beat out Let It Bleed for the top spot in that one!

Now for the Beatles Video Polls. 49 Fab videos were rated. “Get Back”, from the remastered Let it Be movie, took first place there, with a whopping 97.8% score! To view the standings for this one, go here: . Also note on the Top of this page are some poll results from the Fab’s different movies that should interest you.

For the Rock Videos, 121 videos were voted on. At the top of the list standings was Janis Joplin's live cover of "Ball and Chain", taking in 84.4% of the votes. If you never seen this one before, it’s as good as the Stones Jam Video is that I note above, so do check it out! The link to see the standings and videos is here: Please note, that any solo Stones or Beatles videos are of course listed here, since they aren’t band videos. Also note for all of the video links shown on all of the pages – some of these videos will no longer be active, since these polls were run long ago. But all you have to do in most cases, is just look for a new link in YouTube’s search box (or whatever music site I linked to) and you should find them elsewhere.

I should note that at both the Stones and Beatles Polls, the last polls run were the Song Rating Polls. There were 179 songs rated at the Stones poll and 111 at the Beatles Poll. While overall the Stones Poll saw larger turnout of voters, the Beatles Poll saw a higher percentage of songs with a 10 rating, with only 9 out of 111 rated not receiving a 10; all of the Lennon/McCartney songs were rated 10s. To see the final standings for the Stones Song Ratings, go here: ; for the Beatles, go here: .

Let’s see, next, The Rock VS Poll. There were 364 of these polls run, which captured mainly songs going up against each other on the first list page, then songs and a few albums on the second page, and on the third page, a bit of everything, from Genre Vs other Genre’s polling, Sequel Songs VS Polls, Songwriters VS Polls, and even The Stones VS The Beatles VS Polls, plus others. Instead of linking to the 3 list pages, I’ll just link to the Rock Home Page – here ; just go down to where you see the TOP TEN LISTS, where you can choose any of the 3 VS pages listed.

For the Stones VS Pages, I already noted the first page up above for the LP matchups. Then on the second page, we got a bunch of different topics that are listed, 56 of them were voted on…. including band members going up against each other, Battle of the Stones Videos (not ratings), Battle of the Stones Songs (again, non-rating questions), and other things. You can view this page here:

Then finally, the Beatles VS Page, with 28 matchups voted on, including polls like Fabs VS Solo Fabs and Beatle VS Songs! Check it out here:

Now, a bonus series to note that was very popular and ran on the Rock Poll that asked this: “Pick The Most Underrated Members from each Rock band”. We ran 68 of these polls for 68 different bands, yet another interesting, unofficial poll series. Check out who we picked for each band, here:, the list is located on the very top of the page.

Now, some more links to check out include: Beatles List Pages:, ; the Rock’s list page is noted about under Rock Home Page link, and the Stones List Page can also be viewed on the Stones Home Page here,

Now for the finial bit of this wrap-up, let’s look at the Top 10 poll voting number totals*. You will notice with the Stones and Fab Polls, all but one of the Top 10 spots were voted on this year, in 2024. Yep, we were on a roll to the very end! You will also notice just how popular the Rock Poll was, even after being shut down a full year earlier than the Stones and Fab Polls, as its number 10 listed song had more votes cast then both of the top polls total vote for both the Stones and Beatles Polls, and by a few hundred votes cast!

So, I’ll list the Top 10 voted on polls for the Stones, Beatles and Rock Polls. I’ll start with the Stones Poll, and all of these listed, turned out to be Rating Polls, other than the first and last spots, since we were setting poll voter turnout records each week for the last year or so, and the rating polls were almost all that were being run by this time. Here we go: (1) 3,029 votes cast, voted on week of 3/18/24, the poll asked for your favorite song on Hackney Diamonds; (2) 3,026 votes, week of 3/18/24, ‘rate “Cool, Calm & Collected”’; (3) 3,024 votes, week of 4/15/24, ‘rate “I Go Wild”’; (4) 3,022, week of 4/22/24, ‘rate “Doncha Bother Me”’; (5) 3,011 week of 3/25/24, ‘rate “Flight 505”’; (6) 2,996 week of 4/1/24, ‘rate “Just Want to See His Face”’;(7) 2,907, week of 3/4/24. ‘rate “Oh No Not You Again”’; (8) 2,905, week of 3/4/24, “rate the album Hackney Diamonds”; (9) 2,904 week of 4/8/24, ‘rate “Blinded by Rainbows”’; and 2,902, week of 3/25/24, “your least favorite song on Hackney Diamonds”.

For the Fabs Poll: (1) 3,031 votes cast, voted on week of 3/25/24, rate “Getting Better”; (2) 3,025 week of 4/1/24, rate “I'm so Tired”; (3) 2,925 week of 4/8/24, rate “She's Leaving Home”; (4) 3,017 week of 4/22/24, rate “Old Brown Shoe”; (5) 2,909 week of 3/4/24, rate “I Want You (She's So Heavy”; (6) 2,704 week of 2/19/24, rate “Happiness Is a Warm Gun”; (7) 2,625 week of 8/15/22, rate “Nowhere Man”; (8) 2,618 week of 1/29/24, rate “Rocky Raccoon”; (9) 2,608 week of 2/12/24, rate “I Will” and (10) 2, 596, week of 2/5/24, rate “The Continuing Story of Bungalow Bill”/

For the Rock Poll, which closed down after the week of 2/27/23, the first poll noted was the highest total for votes counted ever for a weekly poll, when 4,065 voted on the week of 2/27/23, with the question asking for “the saddest song about being unhappy? (Part 4 of 4)”. Here is spot 2 thru10: (2) 3,431 votes cast, week of 2/20/23, “saddest song about being unhappy (Part 3 of 4)”; (3) 3,328, week of 12/12/22, “best rock song by a band or artist sung by somebody other than the normal lead singer (Part 3 of 3)”; (4) 3,319, week of 1/30/23, “greatest all-time intro to a Rock Song? (Part 3 of 3)”; (5) 3,316; week of 5/16/22, “greatest long running Rock Song (at least 10 minutes long), ever (Part 4 of 4)”; (6) 3,315 week of 10/24/22, “the first true Heavy Metal sounding song? (Part 3 of 3)”; (7) 3,314 week of 12/5/22, “best rock song by a band or artist sung by somebody other than the normal lead singer (Part 2 of 3)”; (8) 3,308, week of 2/13/23, “saddest song about being unhappy? (Part 2 of 4)”; (9) 3,304, week of 11/21/22, “best rock song which has lyrics in it that repeats over and over again, either 'nah nah nah...' or 'no no no...'; and (10) 3,302 week of 10/3/22, “of altered lyrics found in rock songs, forced on the artist due to censorship, what song was ruined the most by this action”; tied with 3,302 votes, week of 11/14/22, “Best Rock Song about Outlaws or Criminals (Part 3 of 3)”.

*For the rest of the weekly polls, I’ll just list the Top 3 votes cast:

For the Rock Videos Poll: (1) 2,304 votes cast, week of 2/21/22, “rate Pink Floyd's fan video for 'Comfortably Numb'” and (2) 2,302 votes cast, week of 1/17/22, “rate the Free video for 'All Right Now'” and for the week of 12/6/21, 2,291 votes cast for “rate Joe Cocker's live video for 'With a Little Help from My Friends'”. Please note that the video polls for the Stones and Beatles had their vote total listed in their weekly polls totals, as is the case for them with their VS polls.

Finally, for the Rock VS Polls, the Top 3 voted on polls were: (1) 2,112 votes, voted on 8/30/21, “’Monterey' by The Animals vs 'Woodstock' by Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young. Which of these 2 songs about music fests, were better”; (2) 2,051, week of 8/23/21, “'Father & Son' by Cat Stevens vs 'Forever Young' by Rod Stewart, which song about fatherly advice to a son is better”; and (3) 2,048, week of 9/6/21, “Everly Brothers VS Manfred Mann: Who's cover of the song 'Pretty Flamingo' is the better take”.

So, that does it for this wrap-up of the Weekly Polls. Hope I didn’t leave out anything; this took a long time to compile. Next up, a Wrap-up of the On-Going Polls. I’m thinking by Friday this one will be done, so let’s say that this Wednesday will be the last day to be able to vote on them – or any polls on the domain. In the meanwhile, have a good week and thanks for reading this!


Second Poll Wrap-up (Part 2) posted on Thursday, May 16, 2024

Well, it took a little longer to get to this second Poll Post and Poll Wrap-up, but for this one, we will be looking at the Ongoing Polls.

There were 17 On-Going Polls, 5 for the Beatles and six each for the Stones and the Rock genre. They all started up in 1999, with the Stones’ first, on July19, then the Beatles Polls followed the next day on July 20 and finally the Rock n Roll Polls on Oct 25 (other than one exception, which I’ll get to later) of the same year. So that makes a total of 17 Polls to talk about here, some I’ll cover more than the others, I guess the ones with the most votes will have a bit more written about them since they were the most popular ones.

I guess I should go with the looking at the most voted on in order, but to make it easier on myself, so I don’t miss anything, I’m gonna just go by each poll group other than I’ll first note here what polls saw the most votes, first. So, with that noted, here’s the Top 10 most voted on On-Going Polls, starting with the top poll voted on of course (and this was the most voted on poll ever run of all the many polls run on the domain): It was the Rock On-Going Poll for Favorite Band (a poll that was tied for running for the second least amount of time of all the polls ever run on the domain, yet it saw the most votes overall per poll). The exact question asked for your “Favorite All Time Rock Band or Group” – and 64,298 voted in this poll! In second place was one of the Stones Polls’ that asked for “Your Favorite Rolling Stones Song” - and 61,433 voted in this one; while the Beatles best voted on On-Going Poll was: “What’s your Favorite Beatles Song?” 60,879 took part in that one.

Next up is going back to the Rock Polls and this question: “Who is Your Favorite All Time Male Vocalist? 45,529 votes cast; “Favorite Original Beatles Studio Album” saw 38,882 votes and in 6th place, “What Is Your Favorite Rolling Stones Studio Album?” receiving 35,127 votes…. So yes, just a Top 6 list for that one. Plus just for the record, the On-Going Poll with the least votes cast was this one: “Least Favorite Beatles Studio Album?” with just 8,646 votes. Beatle fans just hated to vote in such a poll! But for that matter, so do Stones fans, as only 9,301 voted on the same question asked for their band (and that poll was the second least voted on On-Going Poll).

Okay, now I’ll talk a bit about each poll, but you will not find links to their Top List Pages here like I had for the other Wrap up Polls, cause, I have to still get them up online – and I have saved all of the On-Going Polls results already, since these polls ended over a week ago. It will be taken care of soon on a HTML page just like I did for the Weekly Polls!... BTW, if you do try to vote in these polls from the Poll Menu Page – the only place you still can (but that page is not linked to anywhere on the domain anymore) – your votes will only show up there - until that page is disable and in other words - your votes won’t count in the final totals, as the Polls are all officially over with and their totals saved elsewhere, last week. So please, no more voting, it’s just a waste of your time if you do.

Okay, here we go, and I’ll start with the Rock Poll genre polls since it saw the overall most votes cast in the least amount of time run. The top poll voted on there, was again, this one: “What is your Favorite All Time Rock Band or Group” – with 64,298 vote cast. The top pick was, and I’ll not surprising anybody in saying it was The Beatles, receiving, 11,162 votes and 17.4% of the first-place votes. Next up was The Rolling Stones with 9,607 total votes and 14.9% of the votes cast; then to round out the Top 3, we have Led Zeppelin, with 3,957 votes and 6.2% of the votes cast. For the rest of the Top 10, Pink Floyd with 2,564 votes and 4% of the votes cast; The Who with 2,004 votes and 3.1% of the votes cast; AC/DC 1,986 votes and 3.1% of the votes cast; Queen 1,928 votes and 3% of the votes cast; The Doors 1,919 votes and 3% of the votes cast; Aerosmith 1,897 votes and 3% of the votes cast; and, The Grateful Dead 1,771 votes and 2.8% of the votes cast.

Next up with be this question: “Who is Your Favorite All Time Male Vocalist? with its 45,529 total votes cast. The Top 10 were: John Lennon with 9,057 votes and 19.9% of the first place votes cast; Mick Jagger with 5,597 votes and 12.3% of the votes cast; Freddie Mercury 2,930 and 6.4% of the votes cast; Robert Plant 2,034 and 4.5% of the votes cast; Elvis Presley 2,016 and 4.4% of the votes cast; Jim Morrison 1,681 and 3.7% of the votes cast; Paul McCartney 1,506 votes and 3.3% of the votes cast; Elton John 1,177 and 2.6% of the votes cast; Bob Dylan 1,164 and 2.6% of the votes cast; and Rodger Daltrey 1,144 and 2.5% of the votes cast.

Let’s see, next is: Who Is Your Favorite All Time Female Vocalist? with 20,278 total votes cast, here’s its Top 10: Janis Joplin 5,628 votes and 27.8% of the votes cast; Aretha Franklin 2,873 and 14.2% of the votes cast; Stevie Nicks 1,284 and 6.3% of the votes cast; Grace Slick 636 and 3.1% of the votes cast; Joni Mitchell 627 and 3.1% of the votes cast; Tina Turner 616 and 3% of the votes cast; Chrissie Hynde 501 and 2.5% of the votes cast; Sarah McLachlan 449 and 2.2% of the votes cast; Madonna 428 and 2.1% of the votes cast; and Alanis Morisstte 417 and 2.1% of the votes cast.

Next, “What Is Your Favorite All Time Rock Duo?” Simon & Garfunkel were not only picked first – but they totally ran away with the first-place vote count – as they should have, so here’s this one’s Top 10: Simon & Garfunkel 14,125 votes and 55.2% of the votes cast. Then the rest: Page & Plant (not always called that) 2,046 votes and 8% of the votes cast; John Lennon & Yoko Ono 1,748 votes and 6.8% of the votes cast; Steely Dan (which started out as a band) 910 votes and 3.6% of the votes cast; Ike & Tina Turner 659 votes and 2.6% of the votes cast; The Everly Brothers 645 votes and 2.5% of the votes cast; Jan & Dean 599 votes and 2.3% of the votes cast; The Righteous Brothers 591 votes and 2.3% of the votes cast; Crosby & Nash 564 votes and 2.2% of the votes cast and Sam & Dave with 514 votes and 2% of the votes cast. Note that the Duo Tyrannosaurus Rex (who later became the band “T-Rex”) also saw 2% of the vote but with 12 less votes.

Ok, up next is this: “Who Is Your Favorite All Time Solo Artist?”. This one saw a final vote total of 29,717. Here’s its Top 10: Bob Dylan was on top with 3,377 votes and 11.4% of the votes cast. Followed by John Lennon 2,716 votes and 9.1% of the votes cast; Jimi Hendrix 2,685 votes and 9% of the votes cast; David Bowie 1,708 votes and 5.7% of the votes cast; Neil Young 1,468 votes and 4.9% of the votes cast; Eric Clapton 1,378 votes and 4.6% of the votes cast; Elvis Presley 1,349 votes and 4.5% of the votes cast; Bruce Springsteen 1,344 votes and 4.5% of the votes cast; Elton John 1,298 votes and 4.4% of the votes cast; and last but not least, Paul McCartney with 1,201 votes and 4% of the votes cast.

Now, our last On-Going Rock Poll and it asks “Of the Artists in the Rock 'n Roll Hall of Fame, who should not be in there?”. So, this is the one On-Going Rock Poll that had a much different starting date, starting up on December 17, 2009, over 10 years after the other Rock On-Going Polls started. Yet in the last 10 years or so, it was one of the most voted on polls, period. Anyway, it saw a total of 28,944 votes cast in its short time up (compared to the other polls). Here’s it’s Top 10 or maybe we should say “the Bottom 10”, since these are the artists who most Rock fans feel had no business being in the Rock Hall. You will notice that of the Top 5, the top 4 are rappers, as are 8 of the entire Top 10. From looking how the totals were changing, with the newer rappers making the Hall, they would see the most votes and had this poll went on some more, in time the Top 10 would have looked a lot different. For the longest time, like the first 10 years the poll ran, ABBA was always in first place for band that shouldn’t be in the Hall. Yet in the last 7 or 8 years they kept dropping regularly and ended up in 5th place at the close of the poll.

Do note that artist with percentages next to their names’, showing a date, that’s artists who were added to the poll after they got in the Hall - after 2009, when the poll started up, the date tells you exactly when they were added to the list. Okay, here we go: The Beastie Boys (added 4/11/12) 3,579 votes and 12.4% of the vote; Public Enemy (added 4/19/13) 3,184 votes and 11% of the votes cast; N.W.A. (added 4/4/16) 2,858 votes and 9.9% of the votes cast; Run-D.M.C. 2,561 votes and 8.8% of the votes cast; ABBA 2,095 votes and 7.2% of the votes cast; Blondie 1,946 votes and 6.7% of the votes cast; Red Hot Chili Peppers (added 4/11/12) 1,812 votes and 6.3% of the votes cast; Eminem (added Nov 2022) 1,514 votes and 5.2% of the votes cast; Grandmaster Flash and The Furious Five 1,354 votes and 4.7% of the votes cast and finally JAY-Z (added 5/12/21) 1,001 votes and 3.5% of the votes cast.

So, that does it for the 6 On-Going Rock Polls. Now let’s look at the Stones 6 On-Going Polls. We’ll start off with the most popular one, that being the one voted on the most, which asks: What Is Your Favorite Rolling Stones Song? with 61,433 finial votes. Song wise, I wasn’t too surprised overall on how this entire poll came out, in fact I hate to just list a Top 10 for it (but in time the entire poll should be shown online again, soon). Here we go: “Sympathy for The Devil” 4,186 votes and 6.8% of the votes cast; “Gimme Shelter” 3,404 votes and 5.5% of the votes cast; “Jumpin' Jack Flash” 3,292 votes and 5.4% of the votes cast; “(I Can't Get No) Satisfaction” 3,166 votes and 5.2% of the votes cast; “Paint It Black” 2,844 votes and 4.6% of the votes cast; “Brown Sugar” 1,424 votes and 2.3% of the votes cast; “Can't You Hear Me Knockin'” 1,420 votes and 2.3% of the votes cast; “Angie” 1,337 votes and 2.2% of the votes cast; “Beast Of Burden” 1,298 votes and 2.1% of the votes cast; “You Can't Always Get What You Want” 1,288 votes and 2.1% of the votes cast; There were 2 other songs that scored 2.1% of the vote but they had fewer votes, so they miss out on the Top 10, but they were “Tumbling Dice” 1,276 vote and 2.1% of the votes cast and “Honky Tonk Women” with 1,270 votes and 2.1% of the votes cast.

Next up, is this question “What Is Your Favorite Rolling Stones Studio Album?”, again with 35,127 total votes. What you will see is an interesting Top 10 list for sure: Starting off with Exile On Main Street 7,602 votes and 21.6% of the vote; Sticky Fingers 6,570 votes and 18.7% of the votes cast; Let It Bleed 5,619 votes and 16% of the votes cast; Beggars Banquet 4,481 votes and 12.8% of the votes cast; Some Girls 2,044 votes and 5.8% of the votes cast; Goats Head Soup 1,780 votes and 5.1% of the votes cast; Aftermath 1,680 votes and 4.8% of the votes cast; 12 x 5 577 votes and 1.6% of the votes cast; Their Satanic Majesties Request 514 votes and 1.5% of the votes cast; and Voodoo Lounge 462 votes and 1.3% of the votes cast.

Next one asked this: “What Is Your Favorite Live Stones Album?”. The Top 10 for this one is the actual full poll results, as we had 10 live LPs that we rated. They ended up with a total of 20,191 votes cast and here’s the finial results for the poll: Get Yer Ya-Ya's Out! 7,209 total votes and 35.7% of the first place votes cast; Stripped 2,542 votes and 12.6% of the votes cast; Flashpoint 2,433 votes and 12% of the votes cast; Love You Live 2,278 votes and 11.3% of the votes cast; Rock & Roll Circus 1,179 votes and 5.8% of the votes cast; Got Live If You Want It 1,042 votes and 5.2% of the votes cast; Live Licks (added 11-02-04) 980 votes and 4.9% of the votes cast; Still Life 963 votes and 4.8% of the votes cast; No Security 831 votes and 4.1% of the votes cast; and Shine a Light (added 4-02-08) 734 votes and 3.6% of the votes cast.

For this one we answered this question: “Who Is Your Favorite Member Of The Rolling Stones?”, with 18,994 votes received. Now obviosity, there will be no Top 10 for this one - since there’s only ever been 7 Rolling Stones. Here’s the order of finish: Keith Richards 6,808 votes and 35.8% of the votes cast; Mick Jagger 5,169 votes and 27.2% of the votes cast; Brian Jones 3,474 votes and 18.3% of the votes cast; Charlie Watts 1,377 votes and 7.2% of the votes cast. Mick Taylor 924 votes and 4.9% of the votes cast; Bill Wyman 721 votes and 3.8% of the votes cast; and Ron Wood 521 votes and 2.7% of the votes cast.

Let’s see what’s next, oh yes, the least liked questions. Least liked since they saw the least number of votes and their questions asked for your least favorite song and album. But the truth is that one of those polls were cool and we learned from it, it was this one, that asked: “What Is Your Least Favorite Rolling Stones Studio Album?” The top pick was a landside pick, since it’s really the only studio album ever made by the band that most fans hated and still don’t care for today, that being Dirty Work with 6,451 votes and 45.1% of all the votes cast. Then the rest were: Undercover 1,076 votes and 7.5% of all the votes cast. Steel Wheels 1,064 votes and 7.4% of all the votes cast; Bridges To Babylon 911 votes and 6.4% of all the votes cast; Their Satanic Majesties Request 861votes and 6% of all the votes cast; Black N Blue 802 votes and 5.6% of all the votes cast; Emotional Rescue 795 votes and 5.6% of the votes cast; Voodoo Lounge 428 3% of all the votes cast; 12 x 5 371 votes and 2.6% of the votes cast; and Exile On Main Street 236 votes and 1.7% of all the votes cast.

Now, for the last of the Stones On-Going Polls, asked this: “What Is Your Least Favorite Rolling Stones Song?” which saw 9,301 total votes. I’m only gonna give the Top 5 from this one since I felt for years this poll was being looked at as a joke and perhaps spammed years ago and somehow, I missed it. But a lot of the results were flat-out ridiculous, with the worst Stones song picked being “(I Can't Get No) Satisfaction” with 434 votes and 4.7% of the votes cast (see what I mean). The rest: “Emotional Rescue” 287 votes and 3.1% of the votes cast; “Back to Zero” 230 votes and 2.5% of the votes cast; “Angie” 228 2.5% of the votes cast; and “Hurricane” (added 12-11-05) 208 votes and 2.2% of the votes cast. Well, I can see “Back to Zero” and “Hurricane” being listed in a top 5 or 10 list like this one, but clearly, none of the others.

Finally, we look at the Fabs 5 On-Going Polls. Their most popular poll was the one that asked this: “What Is Your Favorite Beatles Song?”, which saw a grand total of 60,879 votes. Here’s the Top 10 from that one: The John Lennon written song, with one verse of it coming from Paul McCartney, “A Day in The Life” took first with a total of 4,667 votes and 7.7% of the votes cast; Next one was a Paul song that is a favorite of many more Beatle fans, that being “Hey Jude”, with 3,711 votes and 6.1% of the votes cast; and rounding out the Top 3 with “Let It Be”, 3,174 votes and 5.2% of the votes cast. Plus the rest of the Top 10: “In My Life” 3,169 votes and 5.2% of the votes cast; “Strawberry Fields Forever” with 3,021 votes and 5% of the votes cast; “Revolution” (Fast version) 3,012 votes and 4.9% of the votes cast; “I Am The Walrus” 2,921 votes and 4.8% of the votes cast; “Norwegian Wood (This Bird Has Flown)” 2,855 votes and 4.7% of the votes cast; “While My Guitar Gently Weeps” 1,564 votes and 2.6% of the votes cast; and “Here Comes The Sun” 1,310 votes and 2.2% of the votes cast. So in a nutshell, 2 written Paul songs, 2 George songs, and 6 John songs made this Top 10 list.

Next most voted on Beatle Poll was this one that asked: “What Is Your Favorite Original Beatles Studio Album?” No real surprises here: Abbey Road takes first with 7,066 total votes and 18.2% of the votes cast; Followed by The White Album (aka The Beatles) 6,886 votes and 17.7% of the votes cast; Revolver 5,731 votes and 14.7% of the votes cast; Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band 4,968 votes and 12.8% of the votes cast; Rubber Soul 4,176 votes and 10.7% of the votes cast; A Hard Day's Night 2,735 votes and 7% of the votes cast; Let It Be 2,159 votes and 5.6% of the votes cast; Help! 1,976 votes and 5.1% of the votes cast; Magical Mystery Tour 1,222 votes and 3.1% of the votes cast; and Please Please Me 408 votes and 1% of the votes cast.

Up next is this poll question: “Who Is Your Favorite Member Of The Beatles?” with 20,108 votes. Like the Stones Poll for this question, for the Fabs, we only got 4 to list, and they ended up in this order: John Lennon with 8,918 total votes and 44.4% of the first-place votes cast. Paul McCartney placed with 4,676 votes and 23.3% of the votes cast; then George Harrison saw 4,386 votes and 21.8% of the votes cast, and last with the least votes, Ringo Starr, with 2,128 votes and 10.6% of the votes cast.

More, here’s the next Poll question: “What Is Your Least Favorite Beatles Song? taking in 10,067 votes. Like the Stones had a runaway winner for worst album, the Beatles have one for worst song, that being “Revolution 9” which of course isn’t really a song, but it had 1,577 votes and 15.7% of the votes cast. Truth is, if I was to run this poll again, I would not even include Rev 9, since again – it’s clearly not a song. The real true most disliked Beatles song was their cover of “A Taste Of Honey”, with 808 votes and 8% of the vote; in third place was “Yellow Submarine” with 406 votes and 4% of the votes cast; “A Day In The Life” (one of the greatest Beatles song ever written, talk about blasphemy!) 329 votes and 3.3% of the votes cast and “Ob-La-Di, Ob-La-Da”, in 5th with 274 votes and 2.7% of the votes cast.

Then the last On-Going Poll asked this: “What Is Your Least Favorite Original Beatles Studio Album?” seeing only 8,646 votes. I won’t even ask this question again, even after I worded it with “least favorite”, instead of “most not liked”, as this is a question that Beatle and Stones fans don’t want to answer. But for those who did, here’s the Top 5 finial results: Yellow Submarine 3,566 votes and 41.2% of the votes cast; Beatles For Sale 652 votes and 7.5% of the votes cast; Let It Be 530 votes and 6.1% of the votes cast; Early Beatles 470 votes and 5.4% of the votes cast and another blasphemous vote for 5th place, The White Album (aka The Beatles) 410 votes and 4.7% of the votes cast.

So that does it for our finial Poll Post ever written and Part 2 of the Ongoing Polls Wrap-up. I’ve gotten a few emails in this month since I announced the poll were ending earlier than I was thinking, and please understand, I know some of you really dug these polls! I’m so happy they gave so many a lot of fun and yes, with all of our poll, both the Weekly Polls and On-Going Polls, we did learn a bunch of stuff, too!

As far as the old ASP Polls and ASP Gasland archive board goes, the ASP is still up in the air as far as to when it will be removed. It still could be as late as the end of the year, or as soon as in the next week, depending on what my hosts decides to do. Plus as I noted last month, the Domain isn’t going anywhere and all the sites will still be up and the 3 Cam sites (Colorado, New York state and World Wide Web Cams), and my weather site, will still be proactive. So do please keep dropping by for some visits now and then.

A few folks, including a few locals from my home town, who started reading my Mumble Jumbo (MJ) here after I stopped writing it in the local newspaper (I didn’t know that at first, but there were several of them reading our Poll board and even voting sometimes!), but a few of you have asked me to keep writing MJ here, even if the polls are no more. Some feel I should make the board now into a blog board only. Yes, if I was 20 years younger maybe that would be my next move. But I’m 90% retired now, and becoming a bit more an elderly person each day, even if I rather not, and with my health in a total mess, I feel a good 10 years older than what I am. I sometimes can’t believe how many illnesses I have – with almost all of them related to old age. Yet I know so many people my age and older who are not in bad shape at all. They still go hiking, skiing, etc. and don’t feel no pain. Why couldn’t I get a body like that? Hell, both of my parents did when they were in their 70s, and they lived long lives, yet their 4 children are all in bad shape, especially us 3 oldest ones. Well, nobody knows for sure when one’s time will be up, but I totally now understand what elderly folks used to say to me 20 years ago, that they never make/made long range plans anymore (by long-range I’m talking more than 6 months ahead of time). Yeah, once you make it to your golden years, you know your time will be up sooner than later and truth is, you no longer care or fear death and what’s next to come (or if nothing is to come). Not that I ever feared that, I never worried about it, since 100% of us will one day be there and we all will end up in that next place after this life is over with – or perhaps, we’ll be in no place at all, in oblivion (which many fear for silly reasons). But like the song “Don’t Fear the Reaper” notes, don’t fear him (just not for the reasons the song states, plus, only don't fear him as long as you’re old, if you’re young, do stay far, far away from him!)!

So, in closing, I wish the very best to all of you, my online friends! Drop me an email once in a while if you like, I'd still like to hear from you all in the future!


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