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Name: Keno
Subject: RE: Rock Poll is now somewhat fixed!
Date: Wednesday, February 8, 2023
Time: 4:54:41 PM
Remote Address:
Message ID: 321400
Parent ID: 321398
Thread ID: 321397

RE: Rock Poll is now somewhat fixed!

I noticed late last nite (Tuesday nite, really early this morning), that the Rock Poll's tally was low, and when I checked it out to see why, the link on the Stones page wasn't working at all, while it was working fine on the Poll Menu and also on the Classic Rock Home Page and Rock Voting Page. Yet if you used the Firefox browser, it was working on all of the pages. So I worked on trying to fix the problem for about a half hour and nothing seem to work, since nothing seemed wrong with how the link was set up!

Then I realized that if you placed your mouse's cursor on the first letter of the first word in the poll's question (on the Stones Home page only), that being the "W" to the word "What", it worked on that one letter only! That is totally insane! I had no clue why this was happening (still don't even now)! Anyway, I just reset the link to go to the Menu page instead, since the link was working on that page - but - in my trying to fix the problem, I reset the poll's starting date by accident, and that made the poll disappear, so it's link was now totally down - even on the poll menu and on the rock home page for an entire day (even if you used Firefox, and I didn't realized I had done that!), until I just read your replay post and fixed it - well, reset it!

So anyway, I got the poll and link back up on the Poll Menu page now (and none of the votes already cast were lost, either, when I made my mistake on the starting date, thank goodness!), and the link is still working at the Rock Page too. But in trying to solved the problem last nite, I made the issue worst, and we lost an entire day of voting on this poll! But you can vote in the poll again, now, but the link to it at the Stones Home page is still not working right - unless you use the Firefox browser. If you use any other browser, I suggest you use the Poll Menu link , or the page linked to in the Poll Post under "CLASSIC ROCK WEEKLY POLL,", as that's working too. I am very sorry about that, and thank you cool cool hand for letting me know I made the problem worst instead of fixing it - and never realized what I did.


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