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Name: Undercover
Subject: Typical Undercover Review
Date: Friday, October 13, 2006
Time: 2:19:42 PM
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Message ID: 200825
Parent ID: 200772
Thread ID: 200772

Typical Undercover Review

First of all I need to take care of some old business, there were a lot of beautiful women in downtown Chicago and they were all headed to the show. I was fortunate to be at the Stones band of gypsies’ pre-show party but that is not my department so I will let Keefer cover that if he wants to. All I can say it is great to be surrounded with resolute Stonesfans.

We went to Chess Studio during the afternoon of the show. The place has lots of exhibits from the Blues Era. We watched a video that gave a very good intro to the famous artists of Chess history. Ronnie has four sketches on exhibit there. I got turned onto Otis Spawn. Little Walter is my favorite from the bunch (even as a kid). He sure knew how to go in style. He took a lead pipe to the head during a crap game on the sidewalk and was dead in the morning. Brian was a very good harp player but Little Walter blows him out of the water on the high end notes (bending the 8-9-10 holes).I was not overcome with awe while in the building but as I drove home the studio passed legendary and attained the status of myth. Imagination is always stronger than reality. Now I have an actual building to pin my imagination to.

I was able to sneak in a fifth of Rebel Yell. Most people did not know the significance of Rebel Yell but I had two shot glasses and shared it with the people around us anyway. I don’t think any of us felt cold.

I knew something was wrong from the very beginning of the show. They rushed through the first three numbers. There were very few “Hey Heys” in YGMR and LWM flew by. MM was not as hurried but still a little shorter than usual. They settled down and played “Sway” and “She was Hot” for as long as they should be. Whatever was wrong with Keith he overcame it for these two songs. Long before we expected Mick was giving the introductions. The rest of the show was not as hurried.

Yes, Keith faced Charlie for a lot of the show. There was little strutting around. He stayed in the background most of the time. He was wearing a baseball type of cap that hid part of his face. Travellin’ Man said that his face looked like he was in pain when he was featured on the big screen. I was not watching the big screen so I don’t know. But I will defend Keith in that the places in songs where he is essential he was always there. He gave us a very spectacular solo during Satisfaction. Anybody who has ever badmouthed Ronnie would have to eat dirt if they were at this show. It was nearly the Ronnie Stones on Oct 11, 2006. I have always loved Ronnie, if you trust my judgment at all, he was “out front” as much as in the 70s. He had the amplification too. I am not taking away from Mick, Mick was Mick. I bet he was very thankful to Ronnie.

I will have to wait for the boot but I think JJF and TD sounded different with Ronnie being more prominent. The opening deep “whompin” sound, as I call it, of TD similar to HTW and BS, was not as deep. JJF also struck me as having more of a twangy sound similar to the studio recording. I am sticking my neck way out there by writing about JJF and TD. Only the boots will show if I am right about these songs. It was subtle, not overwhelming by any measure.

I could see Ronnie and Keith’s hands on the fret boards of their guitars; Ronnie played most of the lead. Keith kept that good solid rhythm guitar, not as intricate but still solid, regardless if he was hurting or not. He was there with his lead when we needed his special touch.

Granted with my altered state of mind the show may have just seemed fast to me. My perceptions may have been limited. I hope this is not my last show because I want to see Keith parade around like he owns the stage again.

We nearly got in trouble after the show when a policeman chased us away for our “we piss anywhere” attitude.

Both TM and Keefer are cool people. I am happy we were able to see a show together. We even skipped the post show parties to go back to the hotel to talk about the Stones. We are lucky to have them posting here.


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