Colorado Web Cams

Independence Pass, Colorado

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Independence Pass (aka Indy Pass) is located in central Colorado, sitting at an elevation of 12,095 feet (3,687 m) on the Continental Divide of the Americas. Colorado Highway 82 traverses it. This road is the highest in elevation for a paved Colorado state highway that sits on a through road. It's also the fourth-highest paved road in the state, and is also the highest paved crossing of the Continental Divide in the U.S. Because of the heavy snows that fall on the pass, the road is closed in the wintertime.

Note: Clearly, the people at CDOT, lied about this cam being placed back online in time. After 3 or 4 years now, they clearly aren't going to ever do that and I just keep this page - which was a top favorite cam page to view, up on this site in protest, to point out to all today, the fools who now run CDOT and forget who pays their salary and who only state falsehoods to us when we ask them to return the cams that us taxpayers want to see and paid for.


Independence Pass, CO
(From Hwy 82 looking east) 

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