Crestone Weather Center
Crestone, Colorado


- Special Weather Statements -

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Public Information Statement


Record Precipitation falls in Crestone/Baca on Thursday
(Posted by Keno on Friday, June 28, 2024 at 125 am)


A record daily amount of precipitation fell in the Crestone-Baca on Thursday, June 27, when hail and then rain fell for about 20 minutes, with 0.44" falling during that short time span. The old record for the date was 0.41", set in 2022. The thunderstorm started at 11:50am - a rare event for our area, as over 90% of all such storms hit in the mid afternoon or nighttime hours. At first, only hail fell, and accumulated on the ground to 0.2", but after about 5 minutes, it turned into heavy rain. Most of the 0.44" fell in the first 10 minutes of the storm.


Record Rainfall falls in Crestone/Baca on Friday
(Posted by Keno on Saturday, June 22, 2024 at 110 am)


A record daily amount of rainfall fell in the Crestone-Baca on Friday, June 21, when 0.56 of an inch was recorded in the rain gauge, smashing the old record for the date of 0.13 of an inch, set in 2005.











- Long Term Fall/Winter Outlook -





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