Weather Center
Keno's Home and Crestone's Official
Weather Station
Easter Sunday Snowstorm,
April 12, 2009
On Easter Sunday, April 12, 2009, Crestone, Colorado had one big and very much isolated
snowstorm. The heavy snows fell mainly in the northern part of the Sangre de Cristo
Mountains and in the connected foothills on its western slope, but only from about Valley
View Hot Springs south to about the Crestone area. The Great Sand Dunes National Park,
located just south of Crestone, also got heavy snow, but not anywhere as much as the
26.8" which I recorded at the Crestone Weather Station. In the middle of the San Luis
Valley, below Crestone, about 6" fell on average, and on the western edge of the
valley by the San Juan Mountains, only about 2" were reported. You can check out snow
reports of the storm here, taken by locals as
the snow was falling.
I had many photos sent in to me - too many for the Crestone Weather Photo Page, so I'm placing them
on here. Thanks to everybody who sent in photos of the storm! The first five photos were
taken by me, the rest are credited to those who sent them in...... Keno

The top of Baca Grant Way looking down on the valley
Taken after the storm was mainly over

Front Yard of my home in Chalet 1
Taken as the storm was on-going

Foot traffic only on Sundown Overlook
The snow is more than knee deep on this street |

Another half foot & these signs would have disappeared
Next street up from Sundown Overlook, after the storm ended |

Big chunk of snow about to slide from roof
Taken in our sunroom, w/ Cheezy the cat lookin' out (can you spot him?) |

I don't think I'll go out just now!
Another smart cat, Henry, stays put inside!
(This photo sent in by Sherry Black) |
Next 5 photos below taken by Amanda Woodward

16.5 inches of snow on this table, halfway thru the storm
9:15am view by Ridgeview & Moonlight in Chalet I |

A bit past 22" at this point
Also taken by Ridgeview & Moonlight in Chalet I |

John & Marisol Tembrock in the snow
Taken near Ridgeview & Moonlight, after the storm ended |

Now Marisol takes off with mom, Amanda Woodward
A bit of cross-country sking is in order after the storm ends, in Chalet 1. |

John & Aleena Tembrock look lost in all the snow
But they know where they are, by Ridgeview & Moonlight |

A chair buried in the snow
Off Wagon Wheel Road in the Grants (photo by Bob Herman) |
Next 3 photos taken by Betsi Sites

No real wind w/ this storm, so the trees had a heavy load!
Taken on Willow Creek Way, Chalet 1 |

I think this is a buried shed?
Well, it's a burried something! Also on Willow Creek Way |

Cool view from inside looking out
Willow Creek Way, Chalet 1 |

Campground at Valley View Hot Springs
Taken while the storm was on-going
(Photo by John Lorenz) |

Ce Ce & Rocky Hedstrom make a snowfort
On Sentinel Point Overlook, off Lone Pine Way
(Photo taken by Krissy Hedstrom) |

Ginger and Krissy Hedstrom head out to ski
On Sentinel Point Overlook, off Lone Pine Way
(Photo taken by Rocky Hedstrom) |

Lookin' out at the deck, 18" at this point
South of Spanish Creek off Wagon Wheel |

Car becoming buried in snow
Brooktrout Trail off Wagon Wheel
(This photo and the one to the left taken by Philip Tarlow) |

Another car half buried in snow
Enchanted Terrace in Chalet 2
(Photo by Martin Macaulay) |

Snowy door and wall (18" at this
Serene Way & Camino Baca Grande, Chalet 2
(Photo by Dr. Rachelle Chaikin) |

Waylon Jepsen gets ready to tape measure the snow
At Cotton Creek, 3 miles south of Valley View Hot Springs |

Ella Jepsen and the Easter (Snow) Bunny
Also at Cotton Creek |
The two above photos and the one below on the right, taken by Jason

2 feet of beautiful snow!
Near Pyramid Point @ 9000 feet, just above Crestone
(Photo by Kelly Smith) |

Buddy the dog is almost hidden in 7" of snow
Cotton Creek, 3 miles south of Valley View Hot Springs
(Next two photo by Chester Wood)

This car is going nowhere
On Panorama, in Chalet 1 |

Okay, lets melt this stuff!
Off Panorama, in Chalet 1 |
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