My Other Music Sites:
Keno's Rolling Stones Site -
Lyrics to all songs, weekly poll, album reviews, active message board and lots more.
Keno's John Lennon Site -
Discography, lyrics to 40 favorite songs, photos, Beatles polls and more.
Keno's Hound Dog Taylor
Site - Dedicated to the greatest Slide Man ever!
Newsgroups Listings:
Keno's Usenet News Groups List
- Rock related newsgroups listed.
Other Rock Related Sites:
All Music Guide
- Wanna look up the goods on any artist/band? This is the place to go.
The Rock Site
- Covers many rock acts with lots of links, photos, etc
Page - Covers 50s and 60s rock. Includes a real nice links page.
Philip Kamin
- Philip took lots of photos in the past for such acts as: The Stones, Who, Bowie, Dylan.
Pink Floyd, Genesis and lots of others.
Gered Mankowitz Site
- Gered has taken some great photos of the Stones, Hendrix, Traffic, The Yardbirds
and Elton John, just to name a few.
Danny Clifford
Site - Danny is a photographer who has taken many shots of the Stones, Jimmy
Page, Ringo Starr, Joe Cocker, Dire Straits and
many other bands.
Battle of the
Bands - Vote for your favorite rock super group.
- Dedicated to Classic Rock Music. Features album reviews, trivia and other stuff just for
Discographies, Lyrics & Album Reviews - Various artists & bands
discographies, lyrics, album reviews, etc., including music history from year to year.
Lynyrd Skynyrd Board
- Web board about Lynyrd Skynyd.
