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Fans Album Reviews For:
Simon and Garfunkel
(1 review sent in so far)
Bridge Over Troubled Water
By Chris
June 5, 2005
Rating: 9.0
Simon and Garfunkel's final studio album, Bridge Over Troubled Water was released
in 1970, and may very well be their best work.
Bridge Over Troubled Water
won many Grammys in 1970, including "Best Song" and "Album of the
This album starts off great with the title song, "Bridge Over Troubled Water" (10.0), which is just simply amazing. Art Garfunkel's vocals are truly outstanding on this track. The next song is "El Condor Pasa (8.0) (If I Could)." This is a very good song, and very Spanish flavored. (you can tell just by the title). The next song was also one of Simon and Garfunkel's greatest hits, its called Cecilia (10.0). Then comes "Keep the Customer Satisfied (10.0) which has a great beat and a great brass section. Then the slow and easy "So Long Frank Lloyd Wright" (9.0). This is a beautiful song, with Garfunkel taking most of the vocals. Next is "The Boxer" (10.0) Its probably the best song on the album with great strings towards the end and excellent vocal harmonies. "Baby Driver" (7.0) is an upbeat song with a country flavor to it. Then "The Only Boy in New York" (10.0) comes on. This is tied with "The Boxer" and "Bridge Over Troubled Water" for the best song on the album. Next is "Why Dont You Write Me" (6.0), this is an ok song, but I usually skip over it, I was never really fond of it. Then "Bye Bye Love", (5.0). This is probably the worst song on the album, I never really liked this song either. The album closes with the peaceful "Song for The Asking" (9.0).
Over all, this is definitely one of Simon and Garfunkel's best works, tied with their Bookends album.
To listen to some sound clips from
Bridge Over
Troubled Water or to buy it. click on: Bridge
Over Troubled Water (Bonus Tracks)
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