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Buffalo Springfield Again
By Jack Flash
June 22, 2005
Rating: 9.0
The San Fransisco rock n' roll scene in the mid to late 60's became famous for pumping out
influential, unique, and powerful music. The tragedy of the thing is that not many artists
really made it big (Janis, The Dead, etc.), and while plenty are looked upon in retrospect
as the most wonderful thing in the world, great bands and artists like Moby Grape and
Buffalo Springfield never achieved the noteriety they should have. There is no place to
find more evidence in this fact than on Buffalo Springfield's 1967 release, their
sophomore album, which not only contained anthems of the SF rock scene, but also wonderful
performances from rock legends Stephen Stills, Neil Young, Richie Furay and, to a minimal
point (on this album at least) Jim Messina.
How did a band with this much talent never get to the top of the charts? A good question. On Buffalo Springfield Again, we have Young's snarling, driving, guitar-fest "Mr. Soul," Still's masterfully structured and performed mini-opera "Bluebird" (a personal favorite), as well as his melodic, cogent subtley rocking "Rock And Roll Woman". Neil's other contributions have drugs and Sgt. Pepper at their heart - the surreally drifting, trippy orchestral composition "Expecting To Fly" and the quietly accusatory and intensely clever masterpiece of a closer, "Broken Arrow". Stephen's tuneful, sophisticated "Everydays" is another winner, as his the disarmingly loud, exciting "Hung Upside Down," where he takes trades off lead vocals with Furay. Richie keeps his contributions acoustic (the bouncingly fun "A Child's Claim To Fame," the halting ballad "Sad Memory") except for the brassy, partly enjoyable but formulaic "Good Time Boy."
Buffalo Springfield sadly disbanded the next year, and achieved great success in their members later forms (CSNY, Poco, solo Stills and Young). But I believe all these members' golden period, with the exception of the shining plateu of CSNY's Deja Vu, was in this band. Long live Buffalo Springfield, one of the most underappreciated acts in rock, and especially here on Buffalo Springfield Again, their finest album that is undoubtedly a true gem.
To listen to some soundclips from
Springfield Again or to purchase
it, click on: Buffalo Springfield Again
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