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Fans Album Reviews For:
Bob Seger
(1 review sent in so far)
Stranger in Town
By Zack Taylor
April 30, 2007
Rating: 9.0
Bob Seger is an artist full of contradictions. It should be easy to slag such a sensitive
guy shining brightly one minute and searching for shelter the
next. Yet, as Kid Rock put it recently, Seger is one bad motherfucker, who rocked hard and
paid heavy dues for years until stardom came calling in 1976 with Night Moves.
Which brings us to his follow-up two years later, Stranger in Town.
This is a well produced, almost slick record, yet still manages to
maintain a homegrown feel. It positively bursts out of the gate with Hollywood
Nights, a cautionary tale of a small town innocent seduced by an LA woman or
is she LA itself? Through the mix of mid-tempo rockers, and ballads, the cryptic metaphors
continue (is the protagonist of radio hit Still the Same a real gambler, or
just an emotional one?) Stomping, sleazy covers Old Time Rock and Roll (a
staple of oldies radio the moment it was released) and Aint Got No Money
celebrate the carnal, while Feel Like a Number, the albums theme song,
adds a serious side to the proceedings, again at a furious tempo. Weve Got
Tonight, the most successful of the albums three tender ballads, is possibly
the most dignified proposition for a no-strings-attached tumble in the sack ever recorded.
But your humble reviewer's personal favorite track on the album is Till It
Shines, another mid-tempo rocker graced with a solo from former Eagles guitarist Don
Felder, for the lines Storm the walls around this prison/leave the inmates free the
guards/Deal me up another future from some brand new deck of cards. Its got
all the elements of Bobs magic wrapped up in one: polished production, emotional
intensity, cryptic metaphor contradictions that make Seger special in the pantheon
of rock and roll artists.
To listen to some soundclips from
Stranger in
Town or to purchase it click on: Stranger In Town - Live Nation
or Stranger
In Town -
or Stranger in Town - CC Music
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