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Countdown to Ecstasy
December 30, 2005
By MysteryTramp
Rating: 9.5
I'm a major Steely Dan fan (I actually bothered buying all of their nine studio albums,
including steaming pieces of crap Gaucho and Two Against Nature), and Countdown
to Ecstasy is probably my favorite. Okay, off we go..."Bodhisattva": 10.0.
A great way to start off the album. It's pretty much a guitar jam with occasional
Eastern-influenced lyrics (though it, like so many other of the Dan's songs, has a double
meaning. In this case, it could be about dishwasher detergent of all things!) Razor Boy:
9.2. The marimbas are a very nice touch, and the story's good...but what's with Fagen's
voice? Boston Rag: 10.0. Great tune...catchy riff, jaw-dropping solo, and typically
twisted lyrics. Your Gold Teeth: 10.0. This Latin-tinged jam session stretches out for
seven minutes, features a double-time section at the end, and (as usual) showcases Donald
Fagen and Walter Becker's talent for twisting words. Show Biz Kids: 10.0. A great bit of
commentary of celebrity lifestyle, complete with a cynical sneer (provided by Fagen) and
good slide guitar. My Old School: 10.0. I believe this to be the best song on the album.
Who'd of guessed a song about a drug bust would turn out so catchy? Pearl of the Quarter:
5.1. The first of Steely Dan's two painful delves into the country genre. King of the
World: 10.0. Psychedelic, apoplectic, with some nice guitar/synth interplay in the end.
Average: 9.29. Steely Dan has sadly been sort of lost over the years to more famous '70's
bands such as Black Sabbath, Led Zeppelin etc. But don't let that stop you--pick this up!
To listen to some sound clips from
Countdown to
Ecstasy or to buy it. click on: Countdown
to Ecstasy
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