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We're Only in it For the Money
By Chris
January 25, 2005
Rating: 8.0
I thought this would be an interesting album to do since its different. The album starts
out with people whispering and talking and this is titled "Are you Hung Up?".
Its followed by "Who Needs the Peace Corps?", a song that makes fun of hippies
in the late 60's. The other songs that are also great are "Concentration Moon",
"Bow Tie Daddy", "Harry You're a Beast" and "What's the Ugliest
Part of Your Body". The songs are connected by sound effects and talking. This is
pretty cool for a while, but after a while it just gets old. This is the only problem with
this album. The sound effects get tiring and annoying after a while, and you just end up
skipping the rest of the song.
The album art also includes a picture much like the Sgt. Peppers album cover,
obviously making fun of it. The album came out in 1968, a year after Sgt. Peppers.
All in all, a pretty good album, and if you are a Zappa fan and don't have it, then its
definitely one worth getting.
To listen to some sound clips from
We're Only
in it For the Money, or to buy it click on:
We're Only in It for the Money
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