Classic Rock n Roll Web Site ALBUM REVIEW JANIS JOPLIN/BIG BROTHER & THE HOLDING CO. CHEAP THRILLS Released - August 1968, Columbia Records. Produced by Elliot Mazer, Bob Irwin, John Simon Janis Joplin
- Lead & Backing Vocals
Big Brother & the Holding Company's second album and a masterpiece thanks to Janis Joplin. Joplin's vocals are soaring all over this album. You can't make any better a song than "Piece Of My Heart," with acid rock guitar riffs filled with the heavy metal - blues vocals of Joplin. Most people were knocked off their feet the first time they heard this in 1968, nobody ever really heard a white woman sign that way before. There's more great songs here, "Summertime," with Joplin's strong emotional vocal and the live cut "Ball And Chain," which closes out the album. Recorded at the Fillmore West in San Francisco, Joplin's tear 'em up blues vocal cannot be topped. Yet there is another wonderful blues number found here, the night club like, piano driven, "Turtle Blues". But again, it's Joplin's vocal that brings it home. No question that Big Brother & the Holding Company was a great guitar band, but this album is carried by Joplin. Just listen to the album's opener, "Combination Of The Two". The lead vocal on this song is sung by Sam Andrew, but as soon as Joplin's powerful vocal harmony kicks in the song just takes off in a different direction. Some mistakenly call this Big Brother & the Holding Company debut album, but it isn't. Their first self titled album was released in '67 on Mainstream Records. Cheap Thrills was their first major-label release, which is not quite the same as a debut. - Keno 2000 To listen to some soundclips from Cheap Thrills
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