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Name: Keno
Subject: Poll Post for the week starting Monday, July 4
Date: Sunday, July 3, 2022
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Poll Post for the week starting Monday, July 4

So as this major holiday week in the U.S. is now underway, let’s also get underway our Poll Post for our new weekly polls, that are also now underway.

As usual we start off talking about the new Stones poll first, where we’ll enter week 1,196 of voting and where we enter week 87 of rating the Stones songs. This week’s question will ask this: Rate the Stones song “Commit a Crime” , from zero (lowest) to 10 (highest).

“Commit a Crime” from the Stones’ Blue & Lonesome LP

In the last 2 weeks we rated 2 songs from the Ron Wood years, and normally after that we go back to the '60s for the next 2 songs to rate. But with it being the second biggest holiday week of the year in the U.S., and the one and only holiday where we still see a big drop-off in voters, and with this Fourth of July holiday falling on a Monday this year, well, Monday is always our busiest voting day of the week for our polls, but clearly it isn’t gonna be that way this week. So, I didn't want to have too great a song rated this week, since I know many of our regular voters would miss out on voting this week. After thinking it over, I decided to stay in the Woodie years for one extra week, since that time period for the Stones songs always sees a downturn in the vote count anyway, and since we also didn't do anything in the last 2 weeks from the true modern day Stones period, so let's do that this week.

Now we all know that today the Stones are an oldies act, as much as Mick hates to hear that and he would never admit to this. But let's face it, they haven't released a studio album of original material in – get this - 17 years (!yikes!) and they also haven't released a new studio LP of covers in 6 years. That my friends (for those who might disagree with what I just wrote), is the definition of an oldies act, since they do still tour.

So yes, this week we’ll take a number from the last studio LP Blue and Lonesome, with that song being the Howlin' Wolf tune "Commit a Crime", which the band recorded in December of 2015. The lineup for this one was: Mick Jagger: Lead Vocals and Harp; Keith Richards and Ron Wood: Guitars; Charlie Watts: Drums; with Darryl Jones on Bass and Chuck Leavell and Matt Clifford on the Pianos. …. To rate this week’s song, just click on the following link: Stones Weekly Poll.

Last week at the Stones poll we voted on this question: Rate the Stones song “Rock And A Hard Place”, from zero (lowest) to 10 (highest).

“Rock And A Hard Place” Those in the U.S. are kinda in this place right now, thanks to the mistakes they made a few years ago

So, as I expected, this non disco, album release of “Rock And A Hard Place” did much better than the song we rated 2 weeks ago that had a similar situation to its 2 releases. RAAHP saw a 7 for its top rating (at 25% of the vote), maybe not the highest rating, but still not bad, and that 7 just happened to be the same rating that I gave it. Overall, spots 5 thru 8 took in 95.5% of all the votes. To see the full, finial results from this poll, just click here: Stones Weekly Poll - week 1,195. Or, to see where in the rating standings this one landed, just click on the following link to find out: Stones Song Ratings & Standings - List Page 5.

We now move on over to this week’s Classic Rock Poll, where we enter week 835 of polling, and here’s this week’s brand-new question: What is the best Rock song about the afternoon? .

Afternoon Rock songs

For this week's poll I was gonna at first start a brand new multi week poll and have us vote for the greatest rock trios out there, since it would be a good follow-up to the last multi-week poll that we just finished up last week, when we looked for the best duo songs. But with it being the Fourth of July holiday, I didn't want to start off a great question on what will be a slow week. So, in the past I used to ask personal questions on a major holiday week, but after so many years of running these holiday poll questions, I’ve been out of those kind of questions for a few years now. So while this week's question is not a personal or throwaway question, and it may not be the most exciting question, either, but it still isn’t that bad a question at all. When I asked this for the other times of the day (morning and nite), well, it actually did very well in the voting, be it I asked those 2 questions way back in 2012. Yep, it's been that long ago since we answered polls for the best songs about the night and morning hours, and also yes, I’ve had this poll question ready to go - just sitting in my poll file for all these years, just waiting to be used. Well, the day and the week to use it is finally here!

Now, you would think that there would be a lot more than just 18 rock songs that I could find that were written about the afternoon, and when I put this poll together 10 years ago, I had 20 songs, but I removed 2 of them this week since they really weren’t about the afternoon after all, their titles just noted a time of day that was set in the afternoon, or maybe even set in the morning for that matter (since the titles didn’t note if the times showing was AM or PM). So I looked around a bit last week for more tunes about afternoon songs, as I must have missed a few 10 years ago when I put this poll list together. In looking around for more such songs, other than finding a bunch of songs by non-classic rock acts, there was nothing more to find from classic rockers. I mean, that seemed nuts, for the polls we voted on about the morning and night times of the days, we had multi week polls, yet for whatever reason, there just aren't that many songs written about the afternoon. In fact, on this week’s list, are at least 2 songs that are about the day and the nite, but as long as a song is at least partly about the daytime, it gets listed.

Also, be careful with some of these titles and don't let them have you get mixed up as to which song is which. Some folks might see the Queen song that’s listed, for one of the Kinks songs, a song that’s much better known, at least in the States anyway, but Queen’s song, titled “Lazing on a Sunday Afternoon” make some think it’s the Kinks song “Sunny Afternoon” and they think that’s the title to the Kinks song, or they think it’s a song by Queen singing what is actually a Kinks song called “Sunny Afternoon”, since some don’t pay attention to what they are listening to lyric wise, and they think the main sang verse in that song is “lazing on a Sunday afternoon, in the summer time!” But no, the actual song’s lyric is “ Lazin' on a sunny afternoon, in the summer time!. I bring this up since I recall way back in the early ‘80s, in my deejay days, when a caller phoned in a request for ““Lazing on a Sunday Afternoon” by Queen, and I played it for her (hey, it’s a real cool song too, and I dig it), and then the gal called me back when the song was playing, claiming I was playing the wrong song. She actually got rude with me, but I kept my cool, as you can’t ever get upset when you’re working on the radio (unless you’re hosting a talk show, perhaps). Anyway, I realized she wanted to hear the Kinks song after I calmed her down and got her to explained how the song she wanted to hear went, and I told her it was a Kinks song she was requesting and then hung up the phone as I had enough of her nonsense. Two songs later I played the Kinks song and after it ended, the gal called me back and apologized to me for her rudeness towards me and telling me how embarrassed she felt and yes, the Kinks number was the song she wanted to hear. Anyway, that’s why I just brought this up here, I don’t recall 99.5% of the many phone calls that came in often back when I was a deejay, but that one I very much recall, and I would hate for anybody to get the 2 songs mixed up while voting in our poll this week, since both of them are listed. (Gee, I don’t think I ever wrote a Mumble Jumble in the middle of a poll post before, but there’s always a first, and I guess that bit just passed as a mini MJ)

To see this week’s poll’s choices and cast your vote, just click on the following link to do that: Classic Rock Poll .

Last week we answered this question at the Rock Poll: What's the greatest rock duo/duet ever recorded? (Part 4 of 4).

Rock duo/duet songs

As I expected, this poll’s finial tally of votes, was as close as our polls get, with ties all over the place, including in the Top 10. But at least the top spot wasn’t tied, yet it had been for several days, until Friday nite. But in the end Simon & Garfunkel’s “The Sound of Silence” took the top spot in the poll by 2 votes over the song it was tied with for half the week, Sonny & Cher’s “I Got You Babe”. Then the third spot in the Top 3 saw a tie between “Baby Blue” - Pete Ham & Tom Evans singing with their band Badfinger, and “Two of Us”, with Paul McCartney & John Lennon singing with the Beatles. After that the last 4 spots in the Top 10 all saw ties (so 12 songs made the Top 10) and even worst, the next spot just outside of the Top 10, which would be the 13th spot, had – get this – a 12-way tie for that one spot! I believe a 12-way tie for one spot in our polls is an all-time poll record, but then again, I don’t keep such records, but I know for a fact we never seen anything like that in the Top 10 before, that I would recall, for sure, and this giant tie just missed being in the Top10!

Another, last thing to note on this poll’s results… for the first time in recent memory, the last week of a multi week poll didn’t see the largest vote total in its finial week/part compared to what the second to last weeks’ part saw. Really, that’s what the 4th of July holiday weekend does when most of your voters live in the States. Sunday saw very few votes this week, indeed! To see the full results from this poll, just click on the following link: Classic Rock Poll, week 834. Or to see the Top 10 list page this poll is listed on, just click here: Classic Rock Top 10 lists, page 17. and head on down to the very bottom of the page to see the listing

We close out this Poll Post with the Beatles Poll, where we enter week 586 of voting and the 20th week of rating the Beatles’ songs. This week’s question asks: Rate the Beatles song, “Act Naturally”, from zero (lowest) to 10 (highest).

“Act Naturally” B side single release

The Beatles recorded this cover song in June of 1965 for the UK version of their Help! LP, with Ringo Starr on the vocals – his fifth lead sung song with the Beatles. But it was only released as a B-side single for A side "Yesterday" in the U.S., as the song wasn’t on the U.S. Help! album. As a B-side single, "Act Naturally" charted on its own (well, all the Beatles B sides seemed to chart) and peaked at #47 in October 1965 on the official U.S. charts.

Now, while we always rate the studio take of any song, sometimes I do like to link to a live version of the song instead at the voting page, and I’m doing that this week with this song, since I bet many fans either never seen this live take, or they don't recall seeing it (that’s me, there’s no way I would miss the Beatles on TV back then, live or taped, but I don’t recall seeing this one before). But anyway, the studio lineup for this ditty was: Ringo Starr – Lead Vocal, Drums, Percussion; Paul McCartney – Bass Guitar, Harmony Vocal; George Harrison – Double-tracked Lead Guitar; John Lennon - Acoustic Rhythm Guitar. Gee, I just listed Lennon last here, that’s a first!

To vote in this week's Beatles poll and rate this song, just click on this link: Beatles Weekly Poll.

Last week at the Beatles poll we answered this question: Rate the Beatles song, “It Won't Be Long”, from zero (lowest) to 10 (highest).

“It Won't Be Long” The German single release’s front cover.

Yep, another Beatle song rating poll and another 10 for the top rating. As I’ve noted in the 20 weeks before this one, it gets hard trying to say something like: “Last week’s song saw a 10 rating…” and trying to say it in 20 different ways, but I keep trying and get it done in the end anyway.

To see the full, final results from this poll, just click on here: Beatles Weekly Poll – week 585. Plus, you can also check out the results and standings at The Beatles Song Ratings and Standings page.

Well, that does it for yet another Poll Post…. Yep, it’s the 4th tomorrow, and I think back to 20 years ago, when our last ever, big 4th of July party was held. Me and the wife must have hosted about 25 of them in a row in the past, and they were always the party to attend, followed by fireworks shows across from where our home was (actually, they were held in 2 different towns at the 2 different homes we used to live in, and both happen to be on the side of a mountain directly across from where they set off the fireworks, making for us and our gusts having the best viewpoint to be at for the shows). But my home town for the last 20 years, here in Crestone, has no fireworks show - or even people setting off firecrackers, for the most part. Really, by far, this is the only town I’ve lived in that doesn’t even have firecrackers going off, anywhere in town (our dogs here in this town have no clue why dogs elsewhere in the U.S. hate the 4th), other than 2 years ago, when an out of towner visiting, set off bottle rockets for about 20 minutes before getting ticketed by the local deputy. It isn’t like our lone deputy had a lot of work on his hands that nite, like most cops have on this holiday in most other places, as like I said, people don’t do that here.

The thing is, we used to have for years here, one of the best fireworks shows in the state, taking place just down the road from town, at the old hot springs, Valley View, as my good friend Neil, the former owner of the springs, was a whiz at putting on such a show, so our town had no need for such a show on the 4th. Everybody in the entire area came from miles around to watch the VV show. But poor Neil came down with Alzheimer's 11 years ago, and so ended his shows forever. He passed away last winter, but his family and friends really lost him years ago, and his hot springs was why more than half of us who now live in our town, moved here in the first place, including me and mine. So now on the 4th, we still have a parade here in town, and that used to be the greatest parade I’d ever seen, thanks to the old “wet zone” at the very end of the parade, covering a full block, and where young and old alike all got soaking wet in water fights between the local fire department and the locals. But that was stopped several years ago because of some non-local, old - - - s (I was gonna used a choice word here to call them, but I guess it’s considered sexist today if a male uses it, so I won’t) who made the mistake one year of sitting in the wet zone, even after they were warned more than once not to sit there unless they wanted to get soaking wet. After they all got real wet, they caused town a bunch of trouble, and the town council voted to end what my grandson and his friends called “the water parade” for good, and I haven’t bothered to attend the old fashion, now boring parade that they have today.

So anyway, no 4th parties in 20 years hosted by me and really nothing too special on this day anymore here since the water parade ended, although we do still have a get-together in the town park that is still fun to attend, but it’s just not that special. But a holiday that used to always be a very fun day in the past, is really nothing like what we had in the years past. But I hope everybody here in in the States has a great 4th and that everybody everywhere else has a great upcoming week!


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