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Name: Turner
Subject: The 10 best films of the 90's (nsc)
Date: Friday, June 22, 2007
Time: 9:00:58 PM
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Message ID: 216033
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Thread ID: 216033

The 10 best films of the 90's (nsc)

When Turner drinks, Turner posts! Now if there is anything that makes me more sickeningly opinionated than rock n' roll music, it's movies. I've been planning this post for a while, mulling and agonizing over my choices. As a stone cold movie buff born in 1974, the 1990's were the first decade I entered as a fully conscious film nut. Therefore I will present my semi-definitive list of the 10 greatest artistic achievements in celluloid for the whole decade. Luckily, the 90's are special for two reasons: It is the second greatest American filmmaking (is there any other kind?) decade ever (after the untouchable 1970's, a period lasting from A Clockwork Orange through The Shining) and it is the last major decade to be (relatively) free of the greatest evil to ever confront film lovers of the planet Earth: digital special effects. The evil of these effects, best illustrated by the unspeakably awful second trilogy of "Star Wars" films, is to be discussed in another thread. From 10 down to 1, and keeping in mind that very painful decisions had to be made, on with the list! (The 1990's will be considered the time period from January 1st, 1991 through December 31, 2000.) (Stanley Kubrick, the greatest film artist who ever lived, is excluded. He is in a category by himself and therefore Eyes Wide Shut will not be on this list. Woody Allen is also excluded, as he is my 2nd favorite filmmaker and I would have to include both Husbands And Wives and Deconstructing Harry and that would take up too much space.) Now, really, on with the list!

10. Nixon by Oliver Stone - Does it have anything to do with actual history? Yes and no. Is it on par with Shakespeare's greatest tragedies? YES! I hated this movie in the theatre cause I couldn't understand why Stone would use his JFK (and Nixon is essentially a sequel to JFK) style in a movie where so many hard facts were available. Well, as Roger Ebert points out in his brilliant review, Nixon is more of a tragedy in the Shakespearean mold. Who care about the facts? Stone zeros in on the inherent flaws in Nixon's character and makes a heartbreaking masterpiece. Walking out of theatre I thought it was crap compared to JFK, but now I would defend it to the death as infinitely superior. Oliver Stone is pretentious and an easy target for ridicule, but he is undeniably one of cinema's alltime great talents. Nixon catches him at the pinnacle of his abilities, right before he became the no talent hack he currently is. Oh, and Anthony Hopkins gives one of the greatest acting performances you will ever see in your life. Watch the scene where Larry Hagman gets in his face. Breathtaking. One final note: This is the only director's cut dvd where the extra footage makes a significant difference. Most are just marketing scams, but Stone's extra 30 minutes take the film from very good to classic.

9. The Ice Storm by Ang Lee - Perfect beyond words.

8. Bulworth by Warren Beatty - Warren Beatty is one of the greatest talents in American cinematic history, being nominated for Oscars in just about every category you can imagine, and in the latter stages of his career he delivers a knockout blow with this hilarious comedy. I send home permission slips every year asking parents to let me show their kids this movie in Government class because not only is it funny, but it is bar none the greatest film about American politics ever made. You wouldn't think a guy 60 years old could make a political film that would enthrall 17 year old kids, but every year these kids are cracking up and on the edge of their seats, and they get furious when they see how the movie ends. Beatty reveals the American politcal process for what it essentially is: a sideshow to keep you distracted while rich men and powerful corporations buy policy and law from those who are elected to represent the people. It very much focuses on the downfall of the Black community, and the hopelessness of ghetto life. Beatty plays a depressed democratic Senator who takes out a contract on his own life so his daughter can get the insurance, and in his final days (a weekend campaign stop in L.A. on the eve of the '96 election) just starts telling the truth, sometimes while rapping. It is that rare thing: a movie of true importance with a message that manages to be devastatingly entertaining at the same time. Oliver Platt should have won best supporting actor for his hilarious portrayal of a coked up political aide.

7. The Remains Of The Day by James Ivory - The most heartbreaking film I've ever seen. And Anthony Hopkins performance is yet again one of the best you'll ever see. The films follows an English butler's career serving a wealthy Lord in the years preceding WWII, a Lord who also happens to be a Nazi sympathizer. Hopkins plays a man so devoted to his job that he blocks out everything else, including the love of Emma Thompson's housekeeper. The main plot is mesmerizing, but the subplot of the coming of WWII is just as good, if not better. The shot at the end when their hands touch in the rain is devastating.

6. A River Runs Through It by Robert Redford - I had to choose between this and the equally brilliant Quiz Show because I only wanted one film per director, but something in my heart tells me this is the greater film. Redford takes one the great American novellas and successfully translates it into a great film. I'd give my right arm if someone could do the same thing for The Great Gatsby, but Redford's Gatsby film (he only acted in it) sucked balls. The final 20 minutes of this film are pure perfection. Brad Pitt proves it's no fluke he's the biggest star on the planet.

The top 5 to follow.

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